
Jaguar Physical Characteristics
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Carnivora
Family: Felidae
Genus: Panthera
Scientific Name: Panthera onca
Common Name: Jaguar
Group: Mammal
Number Of Species: 1
Location: Central and South America
Habitat: Rainforest, swamp and floodplains
Colour: Tan, Yellow, Brown, White, Black
Skin Type: Fur
Size (L): 1.1m - 1.9m (43in - 75in)
Weight: 36kg - 160kg (79lbs - 350lbs)
Top Speed: 80kph (50mph)
Diet: Carnivore
Prey: Deer, Capybara, Tapir
Predators: Human
Lifestyle: Crepuscular
Group Behaviour: Solitary
Lifespan: 12 - 15 years
Age Of Sexual Maturity: 3 - 4 years
Gestation Period: 90 - 105 days
Average Litter Size: 3
Name Of Young: Cub
Age Of Weaning: 3 months
Conservation Status: Threatened
Estimated Population Size: 15,000
Biggest Threat: Hunting and habitat loss
Most Distinctive Feature: Beautiful rosetted fur pattern
Fun Fact: The largest feline on the American continent

Jaguar Classification and Evolution 
The Jaguar is the biggest cat on the American landmass, and is the just a single of the world's 'enormous' felines to be found in the New World. Jaguar are firmly identified with Leopards and have various comparable attributes including the particular spotted example on their hide. The Jaguar is the third greatest Cat on the planet behind the Tiger and the Lion and is outstanding for its huge power and spryness. Truth be told, the name Jaguar is said to originate from the Native American word yaguar which signifies "he who murders with one jump". In spite of their mind boggling power be that as it may, Jaguars have been chased through the ages for the most part for their awesomely wonderful hide. Despite the fact that chasing for Jaguar hide is presently precluded, populace numbers have declined all through a lot of their common range, with Jaguars having totally vanished from various regions.

Jaguar Anatomy and Appearance 
The Jaguar is an extensive and solid creature that has a heavier and sturdier body than that of a Leopard. They have a vast, expansive head with jaws so solid that they are said to have the most dominant chomp of all the world's Cats. Jaguar will in general have a front of either tan or dim yellow hide, which is spotted with darker rose-like examples that are like those of a Leopard (other than the way that they have dull spots in the middles). Known as rosetting, the example on the Jaguar's hide is exceptional to every creature much like fingerprints are interesting to distinct individuals, and in spite of its magnificence, it really goes about as the ideal cover in the encompassing wilderness. This cover ends up being so crucial to their odds of survival, that those Jaguars found in the rainforest are darker in shading and frequently littler than those found in increasingly open regions.

Jaguar Distribution and Habitat
The Jaguar is indigenous toward the Western Hemisphere, where it essentially occupies the tropical rainforests of Central and South America. Despite the fact that the noteworthy scope of the Jaguar extended over the entire mainland and even into the southern conditions of the USA, they are today limited to remote pockets of rainforest especially in the clammy Amazon Basin. Jaguars will in general incline toward thick, thick, clammy wilderness where there is a lot of spread so as to effectively chase and afterward snare prey. They are about constantly discovered near water and lean toward either lasting swampland or regularly overwhelmed timberlands. The Jaguar has been extremely influenced by environment misfortune all through a lot of its common range alongside poachers who shoot them when they get excessively near the developing Cattle farms.

Jaguar Behavior and Lifestyle 
In spite of the fact that this subtle creature invests the vast majority of its energy either resting in the wellbeing of the trees or chasing in the thick undergrowth, Jaguars love to be in the closeness of water, for example, floodplains and moderate moving waterways (which is uncommon among cats), and they once in a while adventure into dry, more desert-like territories. The Jaguar is a fantastic swimmer and can travel through the water at astounding velocity especially when in quest for prey. Similarly as with numerous other Cat species, the Jaguar is a single creature except for the main couple of years that Jaguar whelps go through with their mom. Male Jaguars are especially regional and in spite of the fact that their home range will cover those of various females, they will protect their fix furiously from different guys. Jaguars stamp their regions with pee, by scratching marks onto trees, and advocating for themselves with snarling vocal calls.

Jaguars Reproduction and Life Cycles 
Notwithstanding the way that most Jaguar fledglings are commonly conceived between the long stretches of December and March, it isn't remarkable for them to be conceived at different occasions of the year. Amid the mating season, the female Jaguar will utilize noisy vocal calls to draw in a male into her domain. Female Jaguars ordinarily bring forth a few fledglings. When their fledglings are conceived notwithstanding, the female Jaguar won't endure the male in her region as she turns out to be extremely defensive of her young at this stage. Jaguars whelps are brought into the world visually impaired and gain their sight after around about fourteen days. They are weaned by their mom when they are around 3 months old, despite the fact that the fledglings will depend on their mom to chase and accommodate them until they are around a half year old. At a half year, the Jaguar whelps will at that point begin to go with the female panther on chases yet won't wander out without anyone else until they are a couple of years old and have set up a region for themselves.

Jaguar Diet and Prey 
Most of a Jaguar's chasing is done down on the ground yet they are likewise known to chase for prey both in the water and from the trees, from where the Jaguar can undoubtedly snare its prey regularly murdering it with one amazing nibble. Medium surveyed warm blooded creatures make most of the Jaguar's eating routine including Deer, Capybara, Peccaries and Tapirs, which they stalk peacefully through the thick wilderness. At the point when in the water, Jaguars chase Turtles, Fish and even little Caiman when the open door presents itself. The Jaguar is known to be an imposing and forceful seeker and is thought to eat in excess of 80 distinctive creature species so as to enhance its eating regimen. With developing Human settlements, the Jaguar has likewise been accused by farm proprietors for taking their animals, especially in zones that infringe on the Jaguar's domain.

Jaguar Predators and Threats 
Because of the substantial size and predominant nature of the Jaguar, there are no other wild creatures that are referred to really think about it as prey. When found all through the South American landmass, they have been chased by Humans chiefly for their hide which has prompted exceptional decreases in Jaguar populace numbers all over the place. Notwithstanding now having lawful security and a decrease in the chasing of them for their hide, the Jaguar is at expanding hazard from loss of living space predominantly as deforestation to clear a path for horticulture or developing Human settlements, which implies these vast and magnificent creatures are being pushed into increasingly remote areas of their local range.

Jaguar Interesting Facts and Features 
Jaguar have the most grounded nibble power everything being equal and like other 'huge' Cats they can thunder (different Cats can't). The Jaguar is without a doubt a strikingly delightful creature and has normally grabbed the eye of the two researchers and seekers alike, with numerous people tragically having been poached for their unmistakably designed hide. In spite of the fact that Jaguars as a rule have yellowish shaded hide, different hues are likewise known including highly contrasting. Similarly as with dark Leopards, they are not totally dark as you can even now observe the spotting (albeit swoon) in solid daylight. Jaguars are said to almost certainly cross-breed with the two Leopards and Lions. A Lepjag was created by the film business to deliver a Cat that resembled a Jaguar yet was less demanding to deal with the personality of a Leopard. He lives in retirement now in a Big Cat asylum, and like other 'huge' feline half breeds he is sterile.

Jaguars Relationship with Humans 
Verifiably, Jaguars have highlighted all through Native American culture, as these individuals were very much aware of the intensity of this overwhelming predator with some trusting that the Jaguar was the master of the black market. They are dreaded by Humans who occupy territories near the wilderness and are likewise regularly accused by farm proprietors for their missing domesticated animals. In spite of the fact that Jaguars hold the notoriety for being extremely forceful, unjustifiable assaults on Humans are uncommon. Jaguars have been extremely influenced by deforestation all through quite a bit of Central and South America, essentially for farming with the most astounding numbers presently found in the Amazon Basin.

Jaguars Conservation Status and Life Today
The Jaguar was once found from the tip of South America straight up to and past, the Mexico-USA fringe yet chasing for their hide and living space misfortune has prompted radical decreases in populace numbers. They are today, extremely infrequently found in the USA and are viewed as jeopardized all through quite a bit of their common range, in spite of the fact that the Jaguar is recorded by the IUCN Red List as a creature that is Threatened in its encompassing condition. In spite of the fact that the correct populace number is obscure, there are an expected 15,000 Jaguar people left meandering the rainforest today.
