
Jackal Physical Characteristics 
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Carnivora
Family: Canidae
Genus: Canis
Scientific Name: Canis Aureus
Type: Mammal
Diet: Carnivore
Size: 90-105cm (35-42in)
Weight: 6.8-11kg (15-24lbs)
Top Speed: 32 km/h (20 mph)
Lifespan: 8-15 years
Lifestyle: Pack
Conservation Status: Least Concern
Colour: Tan, Brown, Grey, White
Skin Type: Fur
Favourite Food: Antelope
Habitat: Grass plains and dry woodland
Average Litter Size: 5
Main Prey: Antelope, Reptiles, Insects
Predators: Hyena, Leopard, Eagles
Special Features: Short body and large ears and eyes

The jackal is a medium estimated individual from the pooch family, initially found in Africa, Asia and southeast Europe. There are four principle types of jackal with these jackal species being the brilliant jackal, the side-striped jackal, the dark supported jackal and the Ethiopian wolf jackal. The brilliant jackal is the most northernly types of jackal and can be found as far east as Burma in Southeast Asia.

Jackals are commonly found in packs of generally somewhere in the range of 10 and 30 jackal people. Jackals utilize their expansive gathering numbers further bolstering their advantage and cooperate also to a wolf pack to both once in a while chase for sustenance yet more with the goal that the jackals can ensure each other.

Jackals are little canines that have adjusted to chasing little well evolved creatures, winged animals and reptiles. A few types of jackal have even been known to eat noxious snakes. Jackals are savage well evolved creatures and jackals will regularly search the remaining parts of murders made by other bigger predators.

The jackal is a nighttime warm blooded animal that can without much of a stretch keep up rates of 16 km a hour for extensive stretches of time. In spite of the fact that the jackal has a place with a jackal pack, jackals frequently like to chase alone or with just a single other jackal. This implies the jackals will in general have a higher possibility of ambushing their prey as though the jackals routinely chased in extensive gatherings, the jackals would have less achievement in being stealthy and quiet.

In spite of the fact that most of the eating regimen of the jackal is comprised of meat, numerous jackal people (especially those jackals living in the tropics of Southeast Asia) will regularly eat plant matter if no meat can be found.

Jackals are extremely regional creatures and jackals have no wavering in a guarding their stamped area. Jackals have a wide scope of vocal sounds that are explicit to every jackal family implying that is uncommon for groups of contending jackals to come into inadvertent contact with each other.

Jackals occupy cleft in rocks and nooks made by different creatures so as to keep the jackals cool while they rest. Albeit numerous jackal people live a nighttime presence, especially those jackals that occupy territories near people, a few jackals in increasingly remote regions are somewhat progressively diurnal and will be out chasing amid the cooler occasions of the day.
