Clouded Leopard

Clouded Leopard Physical Characteristics
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Carnivora
Family: Felidae
Genus: Neofelis
Scientific Name: Neofelis nebulosa
Common Name: Clouded Leopard
Other Name(s): Sunda Clouded Leopard
Group: Mammal
Number Of Species: 2
Location: South-east Asia
Habitat: Dense tropical forest and jungle
Colour: Yellow, Grey, Tawny, Black, Brown
Skin Type: Fur
Size (L): 60cm - 110cm (24in - 43in)
Weight: 11kg - 30kg (24lbs - 66lbs)
Top Speed: 64kph (40mph)
Diet: Carnivore
Prey: Rodents, Monkeys, Deer
Predators: Tigers, Leopards, Humans
Lifestyle: Nocturnal/Crepuscular
Group Behaviour: Solitary
Lifespan: 11 - 17 years
Age Of Sexual Maturity: 2 - 3 years
Gestation Period: 87 - 102 days
Average Litter Size: 3
Name Of Young: Kitten
Age Of Weaning: 9 months
Conservation Status: Vulnerable
Estimated Population Size: Less than 10,000
Biggest Threat: Hunting and habitat loss
Most Distinctive Feature: Dark cloud-like markings and long tail
Fun Fact: Has canines that can be two inches long

Clouded Leopard Classification and Evolution
The Clouded Leopard is a medium estimated cat that is found occupying the thick tropical wildernesses of south-east Asia. The Clouded Leopard is the littlest of the world's huge felines and in spite of its name, it isn't really that firmly identified with Leopards and is rather accepted by numerous individuals to be a transformative connection between enormous felines and little felines. Clouded Leopards are extraordinarily bashful creatures and combined with their profoundly nighttime way of life has implied that little is thought about their conduct in the wild as they are exceptionally once in a while observed. The Clouded Leopard has as of late been part into two separate species which are the Clouded Leopard (found on the territory) and the Sunda Clouded Leopard (Borneo and Sumatra). The two species are now exceptionally uncommon with numbers always declining because of the chasing of them for their meat and hide, alongside the loss of tremendous territories of their tropical timberland natural surroundings.

Clouded Leopard Anatomy and Appearance
The Clouded Leopard is one the most particular of all the huge felines and a standout amongst the most lovely. As their name proposes, their yellow to dim hued coat is designed with extensive, cloud-like markings that are fixed with dark and are dull in the middle. Their little yet stocky bodies are bolstered by short legs and like other feline species (other than the Cheetah), the Clouded Leopard can withdraw its hooks into the skin on its toes to keep them sharp. A standout amongst the most unmistakable highlights of the Clouded Leopard is their somewhat long canines which can grow up to two inches in length, making them about indistinguishable length from those of a Tiger. They have has two expansive dark bars on the back of their neck and dark rings that run the length of their fantastically long tail. The tail of a Clouded Leopard can achieve 65cm long and is utilized to assist the creature with balancing while moving about in the trees.

Clouded Leopard Distribution and Habitat
The Clouded Leopard is locally found in south-east Asia all through various nations including India, Southern China, Burma, Nepal, all through Indochina and on the islands of Borneo and Sumatra. It was once likewise found in Taiwan yet is presently broadly thought to be wiped out there. Clouded Leopards spend about for their entire lives in the trees thus lean toward thick woodland environments including both tropical and subtropical timberlands and wildernesses, and at elevations of up to 2,000 meters. In any case, in spite of apparently just being found in extremely thick rainforest, the Clouded Leopard has additionally been recorded in an assortment of different natural surroundings incorporating into tall prairies in Nepal and in the mangrove bogs of Borneo. The most astounding populace is thought to live on the island of Borneo yet they are compromised all through their characteristic range by deforestation to clear land for agribusiness or by lumberjacks.

Clouded Leopard Behavior and Lifestyle 
The Clouded Leopard is a staggeringly timid and subtle creature that rests high in the trees amid the day and effectively chases under the front of night. They are regional creatures that move a little more than a mile daily all through their home range which fluctuates from 50 to in excess of 120 square miles in size, contingent upon the area. They are inconceivably spry climbers that can not just accelerate trunks and move about in the branches, however they have additionally been watched running head initially withdraw tree trunks and move along flat branches by hanging underneath, utilizing their tails for equalization. The Clouded Leopard is a single creature that denotes its domain utilizing pee and scratch blemishes on trees, notwithstanding, next to no is really thought about their social conduct in nature.

Clouded Leopard Reproduction and Life Cycles 
Clouded Leopard little cats are conceived in the late spring a long time after an incubation period that goes on for around 3 months. Somewhere in the range of one and five cats are brought into the world visually impaired and the huge spots on their hide are totally dull in shading and don't build up the grown-up colouration for around a half year. Clouded Leopard little cats open their eyes when they are around 10 days old and are completely dynamic at five weeks of age, starting to figure out how to chase with their mom in the blink of an eye thereafter. Despite the fact that they are eating solids sustenance when they are 10 weeks of age they are not completely weaned until nine months, when they wind up free and leave their mom to build up their very own region. Obfuscated Leopards are known to get the chance to be 17 years of age in imprisonment yet little is thought about the degree of their life expectancy in the wild because of their amazingly slippery nature.

Clouded Leopard Diet and Prey 
The Clouded Leopard is a meat eating creature that just chases and eats different creatures so as to pick up the sustenance it needs to endure. Their favored prey species is very dependant on the area where they live as those Clouded Leopards found in Thailand support rodents, Ground Squirrels and Porcupines though people somewhere else all the more promptly chase primates including Pig-Tailed Macaques, Gibbons and Proboscis Monkeys. Clouded Leopards are nighttime seekers that either come to the cold earth to stalk their prey or lie looking out for a branch to jump on its unfortunate casualty beneath. They are likewise known to chase fowls, Deer, Cattle, youthful Wild Boars and domesticated animals, for example, Chickens and Goats in zones near human home when nourishment in the wilderness is elusive. Clouded Leopards are known to resign to the trees once having eaten to rest and give their supper a chance to process.

Clouded Leopard Predators and Threats 
Because of its vast size and extraordinarily shrouded nature, the Clouded Leopard has no genuine regular predators in the wilderness except for the infrequent Tiger or Leopard with which Clouded Leopards go after sustenance. Individuals are the essential risk to Clouded Leopards as they are chased for meat and their wonderful pelts, which is a specific issue in specific territories. They are likewise seriously compromised by territory misfortune as tremendous territories of their characteristic backwoods environments are being deforested either to log the tropical timbers or to clear land for horticulture including the planting of oil palm ranches. Expanding dimensions of human action as a rule is additionally pushing the rest of the populaces more profound still in the timberlands, making it significantly harder for specialists to attempt and study them.

Clouded Leopard Interesting Facts and Features 
Individuals used to believe that the stocky form and the huge canines of the Clouded Leopard were adjustments for chasing bigger prey than itself in the woodland. In any case, examines have appeared in truth 65% of their eating routine is contained littler prey species including rodents and primates. In spite of the fact that the Clouded Leopard is thought to just chase in the dead of night, a few people have been watched driving a progressively crepuscular way of life and all the more effectively chasing in the early morning or at sunset. In spite of the chasing and exchanging of the Clouded Leopard currently being restricted, the training still proceeds as individuals are after their perfectly designed hide. This is regularly utilized really taking shape of fur garments with only one coat requiring the pelts of around 25 Clouded Leopard people to create it.

Clouded Leopard Relationship with Humans 
Individuals have chased the Clouded Leopard for nourishment for a long time yet in addition for its body parts. Its excellent pelt is very looked for after and its bones and canines are regularly sold to both local individuals and pariahs for use in prescription and for brightening purposes. Notwithstanding being restricted, the chasing and exchanging of their body parts still proceeds with today yet the greatest danger to the world's Clouded Leopard populaces is their quickly lessening reach. Immense regions of antiquated timberlands are being cleared each day for logging or to clear a path for palm oil manors. Land in these districts is frequently cleared unlawfully which has destroying outcomes in regions that are home to probably the rarest and increasingly one of a kind animal groups on the planet.

Clouded Leopard Conservation Status & Life Today 
Today, the two types of Clouded Leopard are recorded by the IUCN as creatures that are Vulnerable to termination from their regular natural surroundings sooner rather than later. It is assessed that there are less than 10,000 develop Clouded Leopard people left in the wild, with the most astounding densities thought to be found on the tropical island of Borneo. In any case, populace numbers are proceeding to decrease all through their regular range because of natural surroundings misfortune and the chasing of them for their hide, with the species having just turned out to be terminated from its local territories in Taiwan.
