
Wildebeest Physical Characteristics 
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Artiodactyla
Family: Bovidae
Genus: Connochaetes
Scientific Name: Connochaetes Taurinus
Type: Mammal
Diet: Herbivore
Size: 1.2-1.4m (3.9-4.5ft)
Weight: 120-250kg (265-550lbs)
Top Speed: 61km/h (38mph)
Lifespan: 15-20 years
Lifestyle: Herd
Conservation Status: Endangered
Colour: Black, Brown, Tan
Skin Type: Hair
Favourite Food: Grass
Habitat: Grass plains and bush covered savanna
Average Litter Size: 1
Main Prey: Grass, Leaves, Shoots
Predators: Lion, Cheetah, Crocodile
Special Features: Long, thin legs and hairy face

The wildebeest is really a subspecies of the eland, in spite of its bull-like appearance. There are two known types of wildebeest, the two of which are local to Africa.

The changing African seasons mean the wildebeest must move south in the winter, so the wildebeest can keep on nibbling on grass. A huge number of wildebeest all will in general relocate immediately making a wildebeest rush.

The wildebeest is an essential wellspring of prey for some huge African warm blooded animals, that regularly select the flimsier wildebeest from the outside of the crowd. Wildebeest by and large develop to around 1.5 tall yet are moderately vulnerable against predominant, meat eating predators, for example, lions and crocodiles.

The wildebeest can detect rainstorms that are up to 30 miles away and the wildebeest pursue these downpours crosswise over Africa in what is usually known as the incredible movement. The wildebeest trek around 30 miles consistently and roughly 1,000 miles every year as the wildebeest pursue the downpours so as to locate the best grass.

At the point when the infant wildebeest are conceived, they are regularly ready to remain inside only minutes and these youthful wildebeest are soon ready to go around and before long find out about the significance of assurance in numbers. At the point when the wildebeest are moving around the African mainland, the youthful wildebeest dependably remain extremely near the mother wildebeest as it is simple for the youthful wildebeest to get lost when there are such a significant number of wildebeest voyaging together or be gone after by watching predators.

Wildebeest occupy extensive fields on the African savanna where there is a lot of sustenance for the wildebeest to eat. Wildebeest are herbivorous creatures and nibble on grasses, leaves and shoots.

Wildebeest live respectively in extensive crowds so as to ensure each other as all alone, wildebeest are exposed and subsequently defenseless in the African wild. At the point when risk is recognized, the wildebeest caution each utilizing moaning assembles and after that run making a charge, both to avoid moving toward predators and furthermore to scare them.
