
Lemur Physical Characteristics
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Primates
Family: Lemuridae
Scientific Name: Lemur Catta
Type: Mammal
Diet: Omnivore
Size: 9-100cm (3.2-39in)
Weight: 0.03-10kg (0.06-22lbs)
Top Speed: 20km/h (12mph)
Lifespan: 10-14 years
Lifestyle: Group
Conservation Status: Least Concern
Colour: Grey, Brown, White, Black
Skin Type: Fur
Favourite Food: Fruit
Habitat: Dry forest and tropical jungle
Average Litter Size: 3
Main Prey: Fruit, Leaves, Insects
Predators: Hawk, Fossa, Wild dogs
Special Features: Long body and tail and large eyes

The lemurs is a primate local to the island of Madagascar, a vast island off the south east shoreline of Africa. There are around 10 unique types of lemur possessing the island where the lemurs invest the majority of their energy in the trees.

Lemurs are best known for their expansive, round intelligent eyes and their howling shouts. Lemurs likewise have fuzzy, pointed ears and long tails, with lemurs frequently being contrasted with both monkeys and squirrels.

The lemur will eat most little things from berries, nuts and leaves to creepy crawlies and insects and in this way the lemur has an omnivorous eating regimen. Lemurs get the vast majority of their nourishment from the encompassing trees however lemurs will incidentally scrounge for grub on the woods floor in the event that they have no karma in the branches.

The high contrast ruffed lemur, the reddish brown mouse lemur, the wooly lemur, the affirmative yes and the ring tail lemur are among the most widely recognized types of lemur found in Madagascar, despite the fact that the Aye is viewed as a types of lemur altogether different from the rest, fundamentally because of the long center fingers of the yes which it uses to get sustenance out of gaps. There are four principle sorts of lemur containing about 100 diverse lemur subspecies between them.

The greatest risk to the lemur is deforestation, with around 90% of the Madagascan wilderness having been decimated. This implies the lemur populaces are declining quickly as the lemur has less trees to make its home in.

The pinnacle predator of Madagascar, the fossa, is additionally a major danger to the lemur, as lemurs are one of the most loved suppers of a fossa. The lemur has quick responses and is spry which enables it to attempt to get away from the fossa, however the fossa is a difficult and helping brisk creature, so the lemur for the most part progresses toward becoming supper.

The most usually known types of lemur is the ring-followed lemur. with this lemur being particular by the highly contrasting ring markings on the lemurs tail. The ring-followed lemur has a dim shaded hide and white tufts on its ears.

Lemurs are little medium estimated primates with grown-up lemurs developing to a limit of around 70 cm tall (in addition to their long tail which is frequently about as long as the body of the lemur). Lemurs additionally have sharp hooks on their feet which empower the lemur to clutch tree limbs, especially helpful when the lemur is endeavoring to escape from a ravenous fossa!

Lemurs are one of only a handful couple of creatures that live in a matriarchal society, which implies that the female lemurs have more power over the gathering than the male lemurs. These lemur gatherings be that as it may, act in a fundamentally the same as approach to different primates as they feed and man of the hour one another, just as dozing near each other. It isn't known why lemurs show this uncommon type of social structure.
