Golden Lion Tamarin

Golden Lion Tamarin Physical Characteristics
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Primates
Family: Callitrichidae
Genus: Leontopithecus
Scientific Name: Leontopithecus Rosalia
Type: Mammal
Diet: Omnivore
Size: 20-33.5cm (13.2-8in)
Weight: 550-700g (19-25oz)
Top Speed: 40km/h (24mph)
Lifespan: 8-15 years
Lifestyle: Troop
Conservation Status: Endangered
Colour: Gold, Orange, Black, Brown
Skin Type: Hair
Favourite Food: Fruit
Habitat: Lowland tropical forest
Average Litter Size: 2
Main Prey: Fruit, Insects, Small Mammals, Small Reptiles
Predators: Hawks, Wild Cats, Snakes, Rats
Special Features: Golden colour and thick lion-like mane on top of head

The golden lion tamarin is a little monkey local toward the eastern rainforests of Brazil. The golden lion tamarin is today viewed as a jeopardized species as there are evaluated to be around 1,000 golden lion tamarin people left in nature.

Golden lion tamarins are best known for their splendid hide which (as the name recommends) is golden and orange in shading. The golden lion tamarin is one of the littlest primates on the planet with the normal golden lion tamarin grown-up developing to simply 20cm tall! The golden lion tamarin likewise has an extraordinarily long tail which is regularly longer than the golden lion tamarin's body. Notwithstanding the long length of the golden lion tamarin's tail, it isn't prehensile which implies that the golden lion tamarin can't utilize it's tail to take hold of trees and hang on.

The golden lion tamarin leads and arboreal presence implying that the golden lion tamarin spends most of it's life occupying and moving around in the trees. The golden lion tamarin has sharp nails that are nearly paw like in appearance which assists the golden lion tamarin with moving around in and climb the trees all the more effectively. The paws and tail of the golden lion tamarin are frequently marginally dark in shading.

The golden lion tamarin is an omnivorous creature so the golden lion tamarin devours a blend of plants and creatures. The golden lion tamarin eats sweet organic products, berries, leaves, bugs and little well evolved creatures and reptiles that exist together in the tree tops.

Like, numerous different types of monkey, the golden lion tamarin is a diurnal warm blooded creature implying that it is conscious and chases for nourishment amid the day and dozes amid the night. The greatest predators of the golden lion tamarin are nighttime creatures, for example, snakes, wild felines and rodents which can achieve the golden lion tamarins in their resting place in the trees. Notwithstanding, golden lion tamarins regularly rest in settling openings or little hollows in the trees which can make it troublesome for vast nighttime predators to get to them.

Golden lion tamarins live respectively in gatherings (known as troops) with each golden lion tamarin troop watching their domain which can be as huge as 100 sections of land (400,000 square meters). The golden lion tamarin troop is driven by the rearing male and female and battles frequently happen between golden lion tamarin troops over their domain.

Golden lion tamarins generally breed once every year from September to March, despite the fact that it is known for a female golden lion tamarin to have more than one litter for each year. After an incubation time of around 4 months, the female golden lion tamarin will bring forth twins. The child golden lion tamarins are taken care of by the mother golden lion tamarin until the infant golden lion tamarins are around 3 months old and are then sufficiently enormous and sufficiently able to begin taking care of themselves. Just half of all golden lion tamarin babies are thought to endure their first year of life.

Today the golden lion tamarin is an imperiled species, a pitiful reaction of extreme deforestation inside the golden lion tamarin's condition. It is felt that just 2% of the golden lion tamarin's woodland environment is as yet standing implying that golden lion tamarin troops are being constrained nearer together. Today, most of the wild golden lion tamarins possess a save made up of swampy woods near the Brazilian capital of Rio de Janeiro.
