Black Panther

Black Panther Physical Characteristics
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Carnivora
Family: Felidae
Genus: Panthera
Scientific Name: Panthera pardus, Panthera onca
Common Name: Panther
Other Name(s): Black Panther, Black Leopard, Black Jaguar
Group: Mammal
Number Of Species: 31
Location: Asia, Africa, America
Habitat: Forest, swampland and grasslands
Colour: Dark Brown, Black
Skin Type: Fur
Size (L): 1.1m - 1.9m (43in - 75in)
Weight: 36kg - 160kg (79lbs - 350lbs)
Top Speed: 114kph (71mph)
Diet: Carnivore
Prey: Deer, Tapir, Wild Boar
Predators: Human, Lion, Hyena
Lifestyle: Nocturnal
Group Behaviour: Solitary
Lifespan: 12 - 15 years
Age Of Sexual Maturity: 3 - 4 years
Gestation Period: 90 - 105 days
Average Litter Size: 3
Name Of Young: Cub
Age Of Weaning: 3 months
Conservation Status: Threatened
Estimated Population Size: Not Known
Biggest Threat: Habitat loss
Most Distinctive Feature: Bright emerald green eyes
Fun Fact: Prefers to hunt at night than during the day

Panther Classification and Evolution 
The Panther (additionally regularly known as the Black Panther) is a huge individual from the Big Cat family, local to Asia, Africa and the Americas. The Panther is certifiably not a particular animal groups itself yet is the general name used to allude to any dark hued cat of the Big Cat family, most remarkably Leopards and Jaguars. The Panther is a slippery and ground-breaking creature that has adjusted well to an assortment of territories around the globe, and is known to be one of the most grounded climbers everything being equal. Despite the fact that the Panther isn't actually delegated a different animal types, they are viewed as imperiled by numerous individuals because of the declining quantities of the two Leopards and Jaguars all through quite a bit of their regular reaches.

Panther Anatomy and Appearance 
The Panther will in general be dull dark colored to dark in shading and is generally indistinguishable to the catlike species to which it has a place. The main genuine exemption to this is the Florida Panther found in the south east district of the USA, that is accepted to be a subspecies of Cougar and is once in a while dull darker in shading and will in general have to a greater degree a dotted appearance. In contrast to Leopards and Jaguars, the Panther has no spots on its long body or tail, yet rather has a glossy layer of dull hide. Jaguars have little heads with solid jaws and emerald green eyes, and will in general have rear legs that are both bigger and marginally longer than those at the front. Being an individual from the Big Cat family, the Panther isn't just a single of the biggest cats on the planet yet it is likewise ready to thunder which is something that cats outside of this gathering are not ready to do.

Panther Distribution and Habitat 
Pumas are locally found on three of the world's mainlands, with their area relying upon regardless of whether it is a dark Leopard or a Black Jaguar. There are 30 diverse subspecies of Leopard found crosswise over both Asia and sub-Saharan Africa, and with the once expansive normal scope of the Jaguar extending all through Central and South America and even into parts of the USA, the Panther has turned into a fantastically versatile creature that is found in a wide range of territories. In spite of the fact that they are most normally found in tropical and deciduous timberlands, the Panther can likewise be found occupying both bog and swampland, alongside prairies and considerably progressively unfriendly territories, for example, deserts and mountains. Alongside some of the world's biggest cats, the Panther is getting to be rarer in the wild fundamentally because of natural surroundings misfortune as deforestation.

Panther Behavior and Lifestyle 
The Panther is a fantastically savvy and spry creature that is extremely only from time to time observed by individuals in the wild as they are commonly exceptionally calm and careful creatures. Their dim darker hide covers the Panther both into the encompassing backwoods and makes them practically undetectable in the haziness of night. The Panther is a singular creature that drives a nighttime way of life, spending a great part of the sunshine hours resting securely high in the trees. Like both the Leopard and the Jaguar, Panthers are mind blowing climbers and they rest in the trees as well as ready to look out for prey without being spotted. The Panther is an unbelievably ground-breaking and dauntless creature that is dreaded by numerous individuals because of the way that they are likewise forceful. The Panther is regional especially guys whose home extents cover those of various females and they are compromised by another male.

Panther Reproduction and Life Cycles 
In spite of the fact that there are just two distinct types of Big Cat that are viewed as Panthers, Leopards and Jaguars are in reality firmly related regardless of living in independent parts of the world. Black Leopards and Jaguars regularly happen in indistinguishable litter from spotted fledglings with the female normally bringing forth somewhere in the range of 2 and 4 offspring after a development time of around 3 months (it is a straightforward latent quality that makes a whelp dark and one that is conveyed by the two guardians). Panther fledglings are brought into the world visually impaired and don't open their eyes until they are about fourteen days old. They are staggeringly helpless against predators, especially when left by their mom who must chase for their sustenance. When they are a couple of months old Panther offspring start to go with her looking for prey and frequently won't abandon her until they are almost 2 years of age and have set up a domain for themselves.

Panther Diet and Prey 
The Panther is a meat eating creature and a standout amongst the most dreaded and ground-breaking predators all through its indigenous habitat. Chasing under the front of night, the Panther's dull hide influences it practically difficult to spot implying that it to can travel through the wilderness totally inconspicuous. Despite the fact that most of their chasing is really done on the ground, they are likewise known to chase from trees implying that they can trap their prey from above. The correct eating routine of the Panther is subject to where on the planet it lives albeit medium to expansive measured herbivores involve the majority of the eating regimen of numerous huge Cats. Creatures including Deer, Warthogs, Wild Boar, Tapir and Antelope are altogether chased by Panthers, alongside littler species like Birds and Rabbits when bigger prey is rare.

Panther Predators and Threats 
The Jaguar is the biggest cat in the Americas thus Panthers in the New World are the most predominant predators inside their surroundings. Those found in Africa and Asia anyway are every so often gone after by other vast carnivores, for example, Lions and Hyenas, however the most widely recognized predator and greatest risk to all Panthers is individuals. Not just have these uncommon creatures been chased by individuals all through quite a bit of their normal range however they have likewise been exposed to radical living space misfortune especially as deforestation for both developing Human settlements and to clear a path for agribusiness. Populace quantities of expansive Cats are declining all around the globe and when they are being pushed into littler and littler pockets of their local environments, Panthers are winding up even rarer than they as of now were.

Panther Interesting Facts and Features 
Albeit in fact just black Leopards and Jaguars are commonly viewed as the main genuine Panthers by science, the term is likewise used to depict various other dim covered Cats by local people in their local living spaces including Cougars, Tigers, Pumas, Lynxes and Bobcats. The Black Panther apparently is a standout amongst the most astute and fierce predators in America so the picture of a Panther is generally utilized as a logo or as a mascot for games groups. A few Panthers are really ready to swim, in spite of the fact that not those that are Leopards, as Jaguars are known to have a genuine love of water. Not exclusively do these people incline toward overwhelmed backwoods however they invest a striking measure of energy swimming, playing and chasing in the cooling water.

Panther Relationship with Humans
The world's Big Cats have been chased by individuals as the two trophies and for their hide especially over the recent hundreds of years. This caused colossal decreases in populace quantities of the two Leopards and Jaguars with them having quite vanished from a few regions of their noteworthy range. Panther have likewise been exposed to serious environment debasement all through quite a bit of Asia, Africa and America which implies that these slippery predators are currently even rarer. They are exceptionally seldom observed by individuals who are just extremely ever mindful of a Panther's quality by their tracks left on the ground and scratch blemishes on trees. They are in truth so tricky that Panthers are frequently alluded to as 'the phantom of the timberland'.

Panther Conservation Status and Life Today 
In spite of the fact that the Panther isn't viewed as an animal categories itself by science, the two Leopards and Jaguars are winding up progressively powerless all through a lot of their regular range and are recorded as Threatened species by the IUCN. Notwithstanding, because of the way that two quality conveying people must mate to deliver a Black Panther and the odds of this are diminishing with environment misfortune, numerous untamed life specialists view these creatures as jeopardized all around the globe.
