Panda Bear

Giant Panda Bear Physical Characteristics
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Carnivora
Family: Ursidae
Genus: Ailuropoda
Scientific Name: Ailuropoda melanoleuca
Common Name: Giant Panda, Giant Panda Bear
Other Name(s): Giant Bear Cat, Bamboo Bear
Group: Mammal
Number Of Species: 1
Location: Mountains of central China
Habitat: High-altitude, moist bamboo forest
Colour: Black, White, Brown
Skin Type: Fur
Size (H): 1.5m - 1.8m (4.9ft - 6ft)
Weight: 110kg - 250kg (242lbs - 551lbs)
Top Speed: 32kph (20mph)
Diet: Omnivore
Prey: Bamboo, Fruits, Rodents
Predators: Humans, Leopards, Birds of Prey
Lifestyle: Diurnal/Nocturnal
Group Behaviour: Solitary
Lifespan: 20 - 35 years
Age Of Sexual Maturity: 4 - 8 years
Gestation Period: 5 months
Average Litter Size: 1
Name Of Young: Cub
Age Of Weaning: 12 - 15 months
Conservation Status: Vulnerable
Estimated Population Size: 2,000
Biggest Threat: Habitat loss
Most Distinctive Feature: Extension of wrist bone acts as a thumb
Fun Fact: Bamboo makes up 99 per cent of their diet

Giant Panda Bear Classification and Evolution 
The Giant Panda is a types of bear that is found in the mountains of focal and western China. A standout amongst the most renowned and effectively recognizable creatures on the planet, the Giant Panda is likewise one of the rarest and is under enormous risk in its common habitat, basically from territory misfortune. The Giant Panda is one of a kind among bears as they don't rest, have exceptionally little infants during childbirth and make due on an eating regimen that is for the most part veggie lover. Since the Giant Panda was first found by a French naturalist in 1869, it has turned into a worldwide image for preservation with the World Wildlife Fund utilizing it as their logo. The Chinese individuals likewise observe the Giant Panda as an image of harmony and various endeavors have been made to attempt and secure the rest of the populaces in their local natural surroundings.

Giant Panda Bear Anatomy and Appearance 
The Giant Panda is a medium to vast estimated bear that like different species has a substantial head, short tail and a long gag with an expansive nose, which gives them a magnificent feeling of smell. The thick hide of the Giant Panda is rich white in shading with extensive patches of dark on the appendages, shoulders, ears and nose, and unmistakable dark fixes around their little eyes. The Giant Panda eats practically just bamboo thus has various physical adjustments to help with its utilization including an expansion of their wrist bone which acts somewhat like a thumb, enabling the Giant Panda to hold onto bamboo stems. They additionally have vast jaws with solid jaw muscles that alongside their level molars, enable the Giant Panda to pound bamboo stems and leaves so as to remove the supplements.

Giant Panda Bear Distribution and Habitat 
Generally, the Giant Panda would have been found all through the swamps of the Yangtze River Basin however expanded Human movement in these zones has driven the Giant Pandas high up into the mountains. Remote populaces are as yet found in six diverse mountain goes in focal and western China, where they possess broadleaf and coniferous woods with a thick bamboo under-story at rises somewhere in the range of 5,000 and 13,000 feet. These high-height woodlands are cool, shady and damp and are by and large exposed to an abnormal state of precipitation. It is felt that the one of a kind colouration of the Giant Panda may assist them with blending into these foggy woods when they are scrounging for nourishment. It is in any case, the loss of these natural surroundings to deforestation that is the greatest risk to the Giant Panda today as they depend exclusively on bamboo to endure.

Giant Panda Bear Behavior and Lifestyle 
The Giant Panda is a lone creature that involves a domain set apart with emissions from fragrance organs and scratch blemishes on trees. Male Giant Pandas wander home ranges more than twofold the measure of a female's, with his region covering those of a few female Giant Pandas with which he holds reproducing rights. As bamboo isn't especially nutritious, the Giant Panda must eat heaps of bamboo consistently and can expend up to 30kg of bamboo leaves, shoots and stems which is generally 40% of its body weight. Goliath Pandas in this way devote somewhere in the range of 12 and 15 hours per day to crunching bamboo which they do by taking a seat, enabling their front paws to hold onto the plants. Despite the fact that the Giant Panda seems to spend its entire day either eating or resting, they are likewise known to be great at climbing trees and can even swim well when required.

Giant Panda Bear Reproduction and Life Cycles 
Mammoth Pandas breed among March and May when the female starts to demonstrate her need to mate by making a progression of moans and bleats to pull in a male. After a development period that goes on for around five months, the female Giant Panda brings forth a couple of whelps in the base of an empty tree or buckle. Panda Bear offspring are immature during childbirth estimating as meager as 15cm and weighing just 100g, they are made considerably progressively powerless by the way that they are likewise visually impaired and bald and don't start to slither until they are about three months old. Regardless of whether a female brings forth twins she can think about one that rides on her back until it is a half year old and is then ready to dubiously jog adjacent to her. Panda Bear offspring are weaned when they are around a year old however don't leave their mom until they are year and a half old. A few whelps may remain with their mom for a couple of years until she ends up pregnant again and they leave to build up their very own domain.

Giant Panda Bear Diet and Prey 
In spite of being named a flesh eating creature (also a types of bear), the Giant Panda eats only bamboo in the woodland encompassing it. Known to devour in excess of 30 unique types of bamboo plant, Giant Pandas feed on various parts of the plant at various occasions of year so as to take advantage of it. Equipped for eating up to 30kg of bamboo daily, the Giant Panda utilizes its solid jaws to pulverize the different plant parts into an all the more effectively edible glue. Spending the greater part of their day eating, Giant Pandas additionally supplement their eating regimen with different plants including grasses and natural products, just as rodents and winged creatures every so often. Despite the fact that they can eat almost 50% of their body load in bamboo parts in only one day, the Giant Panda still needs to drink water and does as such from mountain streams that are provided by the liquefying ice and snow higher up the inclines.

Giant Panda Bear Predators and Threats 
Because of the substantial size and one of a kind living space of the Giant Panda, grown-ups include no normal predators inside their cool, bamboo-filled world. Fledglings anyway are totally powerless until they are somewhere around a year old and are gone after by bigger predators, for example, Leopards and Birds of Prey. People anyway are the greatest danger to Giant Pandas in the Chinese mountains as they have chased these amazing creatures for their one of a kind hide, nearly to termination in a few territories. Albeit brutal disciplines for poaching have now backed chasing off, Giant Pandas are under extraordinary risk from living space misfortune as deforestation for timber and land leeway for agribusiness. They have in this way been constrained into little and confined pockets of their once immense normal range, and have been exposed to serious decreases in their populace numbers.

Giant Panda Bear Interesting Facts and Features 

The Giant Panda has constantly interested individuals and in this way passes by various distinctive names with its logical name signifying "feline foot highly contrasting" and its Chinese name makes an interpretation of truly to "Monster Bear Cat", as the Giant Panda has cuts for understudies in their eyes much like a feline. They are otherwise called the Bamboo Bear by local people because of the huge sum that they devour. Goliath Panda whelps are so little during childbirth that they weigh about equivalent to a normal mouse and at 100g are generally 0.001% of their mom's weight. In the Qinling Mountains in China's Shaanxi Province, a little populace of dark colored and white Giant Pandas can be discovered existing among the standard highly contrasting ones. Goliath Pandas impart between each other utilizing a progression of calls, with 11 diverse Giant Panda commotions having been distinguished.

Giant Panda Bear Relationship with Humans 

The Giant Panda has been respected by individuals for a long time however more for their wonderful high contrast pelts previously. Since their revelation by the western world and the acknowledgment of their rareness in the wild, Giant Pandas have turned out to be a standout amongst the most outstanding of the world's substantial creatures with expanding tasks and endeavors being set up to attempt and spare them from termination. They have anyway been definitely influenced by expanding Human action in their local living spaces which has eventually prompted huge populace decreases and the disengagement of the rest of the populaces. Regardless of their apparently cuddly appearance however, the Giant Panda is a types of bear and in spite of the fact that assaults on Humans are uncommon, it isn't unfathomable for mischief to be caused to individuals (especially the individuals who endeavor to enter hostage walled in areas).

Giant Panda Bear Conservation Status & Life Today
For a considerable length of time the Giant Panda was recorded by the IUCN as a creature species that was Endangered in nature. It was unequivocally trusted that the Giant Panda was confronting eradication in wild sooner rather than later if more was not done to secure it. The Chinese government has made 33 Giant Panda stores and over half of its normal natural surroundings is presently secured by law. Broad research has likewise gone into keeping the Giant Panda from getting to be wiped out however it just can't get by without its one of a kind bamboo woodlands. Be that as it may, following 10 years of expanding populace numbers to around 2,000 grown-up people, the Giant Panda has now been expelled from the imperiled species list and is rather classed as Vulnerable by the IUCN mostly because of endeavors by the Chinese government to secure their regular living spaces as well as by fruitful propagation programs.
