
Ostrich Physical Characteristics
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Aves
Order: Struthioniformes
Family: Struthionidae
Genus: Struthio
Scientific Name: Struthio Camelus
Type: Bird
Diet: Omnivore
Size (H): 1.8m - 2.7m (6ft - 9ft)
Wingspan: 1.5m - 2m (4.9ft - 6.5ft)
Weight: 63kg - 130kg (140lbs - 290lbs)
Top Speed: 74km/h (42mph)
Lifespan: 50 - 70 years
Lifestyle: Herd
Conservation Status: Least Concern
Colour: Brown, Black, Grey, White, Pink
Skin Type: Feathers
Favourite Food: Grass
Habitat: Desert and savanna areas
Average Clutch Size: 1
Main Prey: Grass, Roots, Seeds, Flowers
Predators: Hyena, Lion, Cheetah
Distinctive Features: Small wings and long neck and legs

The ostrich is the greatest feathered creature on the planet with a male ostrich frequently developing multiple meters tall. The ostrich is likewise the world's quickest winged animal on the ground having the capacity to keep running at rates of up to 50 mph for brief time frames.

In spite of the way that the ostrich is a winged creature, the ostrich can't fly and rather will flee when compromised. The ostrich gauges more than 100kg which is the principle reason concerning why the ostrich can't fly. The ostrich will likewise lay level on the ground to avoid predators.

The ostrich for the most part eats grubs and creepy crawlies, regularly found in the ground. The ostrich is notable for putting its head into the ground to get the bugs in the dirt. The ostrich additionally has a kick so ground-breaking that it tends to be deadly to generally well evolved creatures.

The ostrich is found locally in Africa (and furthermore used to be found in the Middle East) yet the ostrich is cultivated for its meat, skin and plumes all around the globe.

The ostrich lays the greatest eggs of any flying creature species with an ostrich egg by and large being in excess of multiple times greater than the normal chicken egg. Because of its sheer size, the egg of the ostrich is viewed as a culinary delicacy in numerous human societies.

There are five unique types of ostrich that are commonly found around focal and eastern Africa. The diverse types of ostrich are for the most part fundamentally the same as yet differ in size and shading relying upon the types of ostrich. The ostrich is most firmly identified with the Australian emu and the New Zealand kiwi.

The ostrich is an omnivore and along these lines eats an assortment of the two plants and creatures. The eating routine of the ostrich chiefly comprises of leaves, grass, seeds, roots, blooms and berries alongside creepy crawlies and at times little warm blooded animals and reptiles.

Because of the sheer size and gigantic influence of the ostrich, the ostrich has couple of common predators in its condition. The principle predators of the ostrich are lions and cheetahs, and furthermore hyenas and crocodiles on the off chance that they can get one. People are one of the fundamental predators of the ostrich as they chase the ostrich for it's meat and plumes.

Ostriches live in crowds that typically incorporate the predominant male, his hens (female ostriches) and their young posterity (ostrich babies). Amid the mating season, the alpha male will make a common home around 3 meters wide in the ground for his female ostriches to lay their eggs in. There are frequently in excess of 20 eggs in the home yet it is uncommon that in excess of a few these eggs really bring forth as they are gone after by predators like jackals and hyenas. After a brooding time of around about a month and a half, the ostrich chicks bring forth out of their eggs. It is the alpha male ostrich that safeguards the ostrich chicks from peril and instructs them to sustain.
