
Lion Physical Characteristics 
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Carnivora
Family: Felidae
Genus: Panthera
Scientific Name: Panthera leo
Common Name: Lion
Other Name(s): African Lion
Group: Mammal
Number Of Species: 2
Location: sub-Saharan Africa
Habitat: open woodland, scrub, grassland
Colour: Tawny, Gold, Blonde, Brown
Skin Type: Fur
Size (L): 1.4m - 2.5m (4.7ft - 8.2ft)
Weight: 120kg - 249kg (264lbs - 550lbs)
Top Speed: 56kph (35mph)
Diet: Carnivore
Prey: Antelope, Warthog, Zebra
Predators: Human
Lifestyle: Diurnal/Nocturnal
Group Behaviour:  Pride
Lifespan: 8 - 15 years
Age Of Sexual Maturity: 2 - 3 years
Gestation Period: 110 days
Average Litter Size: 3
Name Of Young: Cub
Age Of Weaning: 6 months
Conservation Status: Vulnerable
Estimated Population Size: 23,000
Biggest Threat: Habitat loss
Most Distinctive Feature: Long and thick hairy mane of the male around the face
Fun Fact: Lives in small groups called prides

Lion Classification and Evolution 
The Lion is one of the biggest, most grounded and amazing cats on the planet second just in size to the Siberian Tiger. They are the biggest felines on the African landmass and are novel among cats in various ways however the greatest contrast among Lions and different felines is that they are unimaginably friendly creatures that live respectively in family bunches known as prides. Lions are additionally part of the enormous feline family implying that the two guys and females can thunder. In spite of having once meandered crosswise over quite a bit of Africa and even parts of Europe and Asia, the world's residual Lion populace presently lives in sub-Saharan Africa. In any case, with Lion numbers thought to have dropped by 30% in the course of recent years these tremendous predators are unfortunately winding up increasingly more defenseless in their diminishing regular habitat.

Lion Anatomy and Appearance 
Lions have a short layer of brownish or brilliant hide with a long tail that has a tuft of longer hide toward the end. The markings on their jackets are much fainter than the strong stripes and spots showed on different cats which helps these huge carnivores in going inconspicuous when stalking prey in the long grasses. The Lion is one of the biggest felines on the planet with guys being taller and heavier than females and showing a mane of long hair around their countenances (truth be told, it is the main case in the catlike world where guys and females really appear to be unique). Thought to be associated with testosterone levels, the mane of the male Lion ranges from blonde, to red, darker and dark in shading and covers their head, neck and chest. Lions have solid and amazing jaws that contain 30 teeth in absolute which incorporates four tooth like canines and four carnassial teeth that are flawlessly intended for cutting through tissue.

Lion Distribution and Habitat 
Truly, Lions would have been found all through quite a bit of Africa and even in parts of Europe and Asia too. Today be that as it may, they have been pushed into progressively segregated pockets of their once tremendous characteristic range with the staying African Lion populace now just found in nations in sub-Saharan Africa. There is additionally still a little populace of Asiatic Lions discovered possessing a remote piece of the Gir Forest in India where there are an expected 300 people remaining. In spite of their waning numbers, Lions are entirely versatile creatures that can and will possess dry atmospheres as they get the vast majority of the dampness they require from their nourishment. They favor regions of open forest, clean and long prairies where there isn't just bounty over cover yet additionally a wide assortment of prey. They are just not found in territories of rainforest or far into deserts.

Lion Behavior and Lifestyle 
Lions are extraordinary among felines as they live respectively in solid social gatherings. A pride is comprised of 5-15 related females and their fledglings alongside a for the most part single male (little gatherings of 2 or 3 however are normal). Male Lions watch a domain of around 100m² stamping trees and shakes with pee and thundering to caution off gatecrashers. Albeit male Lions can safeguard their pride to extraordinary impact, their situation in the pride is continually under danger from different guys who endeavor to assume control over their fix and if fruitful, they will slaughter any offspring that were sired by the past male. In spite of their gigantic size, male Lions really do barely any of the chasing as they are frequently slower and more effectively observed than their female partners. The Lionesses in the pride chase together implying that they are increasingly fruitful on their excursions, as well as ready to catch and slaughter creatures that are both quicker than them and a lot greater.

Lion Reproduction and Life Cycles 
Both male and female Lions can duplicate between the ages of two and three yet notwithstanding this, they will frequently not breed until the pride has been immovably settled. After an incubation period that goes on for almost four months female Lions bring forth somewhere in the range of one and six whelps that are brought into the world visually impaired and are unfathomably helpless in their new environment. The hide of Lion whelps is shrouded in darker spots that assistance to disguise them into their nook to ensure them while the grown-ups have gone out to chase. Tragically nonetheless, not exactly 50% of fledglings make it to be a year old and four out of five have kicked the bucket when they are two, by and large either from creature assaults or starvation. Surprisingly however, the female Lions in the pride will have their whelps at around a similar time and will suckle and think about the offspring of different females. Lion fledglings suckle on drain until they are around a half year old and in spite of the fact that they won't start effectively chasing until they are about a year old, Lion whelps begin to eat meat following 12 weeks or thereabouts.

Lion Diet and Prey 
The Lion is an extensive and predatory creature that endures just by eating different creatures so as to continue itself. In contrast to different cats, Lions are not single seekers but rather the Lionesses cooperate so as to pursue down and get their prey with every female having an alternate vital job. This system enables them to execute creatures that are both quicker and a lot bigger than they are including Buffalo, Wildebeest and even Giraffe. Contingent upon the wealth and assortment of prey species inside their domain, Lions fundamentally get Gazelle, Zebra and Warthog alongside various Antelope species by following the groups over the open fields. They won't turn their noses up however at chasing alone should the circumstance emerge and will joyfully take the execute of another creature. When the creature has been gotten however, conditions change as the females will enable the male Lion to eat first before entertaining themselves. The whelps anyway are at the base of the heap and must be content with what remains once the grown-ups have wrapped up.

Lion Predators and Threats 
The Lion is the most predominant predator inside its condition implying that different creatures present practically zero risk to them, except for Hyena packs that can make lethal harms Lions especially when they are without anyone else and nourishment is about. Lions are viewed as an extraordinary danger by numerous different species including the two Giraffes and Elephants which are effectively prepared to do lethally harming a Lion to attempt and caution it off. The greatest danger to Lions however is individuals who not just murder them out of dread (and truly as trophies), yet have caused serious decreases in Lion populace numbers because of developing Human settlements and the clearing of land for horticulture. Lion numbers have additionally been extremely influenced by ailments gone through Hyenas from Wild Dogs, with in excess of 1,000 Lions having kicked the bucket from canine distemper somewhere in the range of 1993 and 1997.

Lion Interesting Facts and Features 
Youthful Lion whelps invest a lot of energy playing together which really causes them to build up their chasing strategies. This strategy for pretending in fledglings additionally encourages females to decide if they would be suited better to pursuing and cornering prey, or getting and executing it. In spite of the fact that Lions can make various diverse sounds it is their thunder that is most unmistakable and serves to caution off abnormal guys, as well as enables individuals from the pride to discover each other as its sound can venture out up to six miles! The Lion has extensive paws with delicate cushions underneath and sharp retractable paws on the finish of each toe which help them in running, climbing and getting their prey alongside likewise being great protection instruments. The structure of their feet and legs implies that they are likewise ready to hop removes more than 10 meters.

Lion Relationship with Humans 
Lions have been respected and dreaded by individuals for quite a long time yet because of both chasing and developing Human settlements, Lions have been cleared out from a tremendous segment of their recorded characteristic range. Despite the fact that they don't normally consider individuals to be prey, African Lions have been known to sneak into towns (now and then of extraordinary size) to discover nourishment, and are known to assault up to 700 individuals consistently, with Lions being in charge of 100 human fatalities every year in Tanzania alone. In 1898, two Lions in Kenya (known as Tsavo lions - a types of mane-less Lion) ended up well known for killing and eating more than 130 rail-street specialists over a time of around 9 months. These incredible predators are to a great extent dreaded by individuals who once chased them as trophies and have likewise constantly done as such out of dread.

Lion Conservation Status and Life Today 
Today, the Lion is recorded by the IUCN as a creature that is Vulnerable from elimination in its regular habitat sooner rather than later. Despite the fact that populace numbers would have been tremendous in contrast with what they are currently, in the course of recent years we have lost around 30% of the Lion populace from sub-Saharan Africa with evaluated populace numbers going between 16,500 to 30,000 people (half of what they were during the 1950s). The fundamental explanation behind the fast end of Africa's outstanding Lion populace is believed to be because of natural surroundings misfortune as they are not just loosing huge pieces of their local extents, but on the other hand are frequently then constrained onto farmland or into settlements to discover sustenance meaning they are regularly slaughtered.
