Indochinese Tiger

Indochinese Tiger Physical Characteristics
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Carnivora
Family: Felidae
Genus: Panthera
Scientific Name: Panthera Tigris Corbetti
Type: Mammal
Diet: Carnivore
Size: 2.3m - 2.8m (7.5ft - 9ft)
Weight: 100kg - 195kg (221lbs - 430lbs)
Top Speed: 96km/h (60mph)
Lifespan: 18 - 25 years
Lifestyle: Solitary
Conservation Status: Endangered
Colour: Orange, Black, White
Skin Type: Fur
Favourite Food: Deer
Habitat: Secluded mountainous forests
Average Litter Size: 2
Main Prey: Deer, Cattle, Wild Boar
Predators: Human
Special Features: Striped fur and powerful body

The Indochinese tiger (otherwise called the Corbett's tiger) is a subspecies of tiger, found all through south-east Asia. The Indochinese tiger is currently a jeopardized species and really thought to be terminated in the Chinese wild today. The Indochinese tiger is found all through Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, Burma and Vietnam, despite the fact that the Indochinese tiger's range is considerably littler now than it used to be and no Indochinese tigers have been found in the wild in China since 2007.The Indochinese tiger is a medium measured types of tiger that is discovered occupying the disconnected woodlands in the rugged locales that for the most part lie along the fringes between nations. This makes examining the Indochinese tiger exceptionally troublesome so very little is thought about them.

The Malayan tigers found in Malaysia and parts of Thailand were once thought to be the same as the Indochinese tiger and it was just as of late that the two were named isolate subspecies. The Indochinese tiger is a predominant and flesh eating predator, chasing its prey by stalking it until the Indochinese tiger has the chance to find it napping. Indochinese tigers essentially chase bigger warm blooded animals including deer, wild hog, cows and goats. Because of the size and energy of the Indochinese tiger, it has no regular predators in its local condition. People that chase the Indochinese tiger and natural surroundings misfortune are the main dangers to the Indochinese tiger.

After a development time of 3 to 4 months, the female Indochinese tiger brings forth up to 5 whelps. Infant Indochinese tiger whelps weigh around 1 kg (2 lb) and are visually impaired and defenseless. The mother sustains them drain for around 2 months and after that the Indochinese tiger whelps are acquainted with meat. Indochinese tiger offspring rely upon their mom for the initial year and a half and afterward they begin chasing individually. Today, because of living space misfortune caused by deforestation, and chasing by human poachers, the Indochinese tiger is thought to be a jeopardized species. Present day gauges propose that the present wild Indochinese tiger populace is in the vicinity of 1300 and 2000 people.
