
Weasel Physical Characteristics
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Carnivora
Family: Mustelidae
Genus: Mustela
Scientific Name: Mustela nivalis
Common Name: Weasel
Other Name(s): Common Weasel, European Weasel, Least Weasel
Group: Mammal
Number Of Species: 10
Location: Northern Hemisphere
Habitat: Forest and open woodland
Colour: Dark and Light Brown, Tan, White, Black
Skin Type: Fur
Size (L): 22cm - 38cm (8.6in - 15in)
Weight: 120g-198g (4.2oz - 7oz)
Top Speed: 25kph (15mph)
Diet: Carnivore
Prey: Mice, Lemmings, Voles
Predators: Hawks, Foxes, Snakes
Lifestyle: Diurnal/Nocturnal
Group Behaviour: Solitary
Lifespan: 1 - 3 years
Age Of Sexual Maturity: 1 - 2 years
Gestation Period: 5 weeks
Average Litter Size: 5
Name Of Young: Kitten
Age Of Weaning: 8 weeks
Conservation Status: Least Concern
Estimated Population Size: Stable
Biggest Threat: Lack of prey species
Most Distinctive Feature: Brown back and head with white underside
Fun Fact: The smallest carnivorous mammal in the world

Weasel Classification and Evolution 
The Weasel is a little measured flesh eating warm blooded animal that is found on each landmass except for Australia and its encompassing islands, alongside the more antagonistic polar districts. There are various Weasel species that all shift in size, shading and marginally with their practices relying upon where on the planet they live. The Common Weasel (otherwise called the European Weasel and the Least Weasel) is the most far reaching and can be found crosswise over a great part of the northern side of the equator. These minor however awful predators are the littlest meat eating well evolved creatures on the planet developing to close to 6 creeps from their nose to the tip of their tail. Weasels have a place with the mustelid group of carnivores and are most firmly identified with comparative species, for example, Stoats which are bigger in size and have a dark tip toward the part of the arrangement tail. Despite the fact that Weasels are genuinely regular all through quite a bit of their common range, populaces in specific regions have been influenced by living space misfortune and they are frequently observed as vermin by ranchers.

Weasel Anatomy and Appearance
The Weasel has developed to go after little creatures like no other flesh eater as their long, thin bodies are consummately appropriate for following mice into their tunnels. Weasels have a little and tight head which isn't a lot thicker than their neck and alongside their short legs and adaptable spine implies that they can without much of a stretch move themselves around in little, kept spaces. The Weasel has a strongly pointed nose and triangular head, little adjusted ears and bruised eyes. Their jacket is dim or light darker in shading on their head, back, legs and tail and white on their underside and sheds two times every year from the darker winter coat to the compliment, lighter one in April, and again from the late spring to the winter coat in August or September. This not just guarantees that by November the Weasel is as warm as could be allowed however in zones further north, people will frequently change from dark colored to white in shading so they are covered among the day off.

Weasel Distribution and Habitat 
Weasels are locally found in an assortment of living spaces, for example, forests, coniferous timberland and on green fields in North America, Europe, Asia and in northern pieces of Africa. Like their bigger cousin the Stoat, Weasels have likewise been acquainted with different nations (mostly as a type of nuisance control) like New Zealand and various different islands. Notwithstanding, similar to the presentation of various little predators to such detached spots, Weasels have profoundly affected local untamed life which has advanced similarly for many years without the danger of little, earthly carnivores. Weasels are sharp predators and can likewise be found in progressively urban regions and especially near ranches where there is a differed and enticing inventory of nourishment. Notwithstanding their flexibility, Weasels are compromised by living space misfortune in parts of their common range.

Weasel Behavior and Lifestyle 
The Weasel is a lone creature that spends a lot of its life chasing for little vertebrates on the ground during both the day and night. Weasels are regional creatures that watch home ranges that differ in size contingent upon the natural surroundings and the accessibility of nourishment and in spite of the fact that the home scopes of guys and females are known to cover, the two will in general stay away from one another with the exception of when mating. Inside their domain, Weasels are known to make settles in hole, tree roots and deserted tunnels which are fixed with grass and hide and are the place the Weasel can securely rest. Weasels are inconceivably solid and ground-breaking for their size and can catch and murder creatures that are a lot bigger than themselves, before conveying it back to their tunnel. So as to ensure that they have the best perspective on their environment, Weasels are known to sit up on their rear legs uncovering their white underside.

Weasel Reproduction and Life Cycles
The main time Weasels will endure each other is the point at which a male and female meet to mate. After a growth period that goes on for around five weeks, the female Weasel brings forth a litter of somewhere in the range of one and seven little cats in her tunnel. Youthful Weasels grow astoundingly rapidly and are not just weaned when they are two months old, but at the same time can chase little prey and will leave their mom inside the following couple of weeks to set up their very own domain. Albeit female Weasels will in general live for around three years, they are not ready to effectively breed until their second and third years. Guys be that as it may, will once in a while arrive at their first birthday celebration as their tendency to wander further looking for a mate implies that they are frequently progressively powerless against various predators.

Weasel Diet and Prey
The Weasel is a gifted and fierce tracker that can really enter the tunnels of its prey which is something that most predators can't do. By following little well evolved creatures utilizing the passages that they make through the undergrowth and even under the day off, Weasel can pursue its injured individual back to its tunnel and after that gets it inside. Rodents, for example, Mice and Voles, alongside Lemmings further north, make up the heft of the Weasel's eating regimen alongside the incidental flying creature. They are additionally known to eat eggs and can slaughter creatures bigger than themselves, for example, Ducks and Rabbits. Despite the fact that the Weasel might be the ideal shape to get into little tunnels, their long body covers a generally huge surface territory thus looses a ton of body heat. So as to guarantee that they have enough vitality, Weasels must eat around 33% of their body weight each day to endure prompting them being such productive trackers.

Weasel Predators and Threats 
In spite of their quick and adroit nature, the little size of Weasels implies that they are gone after by various predators all through their common range. Feathered creatures of Prey, for example, Owls, Hawks and Eagles that can spot them from high in the sky are the most well-known predators of the Weasel, alongside Foxes and Snakes. Weasels are additionally gone after by household Cats and Dogs in territories where they exist near Human settlements. Their deft nature however additionally implies that they are viewed as nuisances by ranchers and are frequently abused for taking animals, for the most part poultry and eggs. In certain zones far and wide, Weasels are undermined by natural surroundings misfortune and an absence of their prey species can likewise effectsly affect nearby populaces.

Weasel Interesting Facts and Features 
The Weasel is a meat eating creature that has sharp, pointed canine teeth which are utilized for gnawing and shearing tissue. Albeit little, their teeth are inconceivably sharp and are fit for conveying a deadly nibble to creatures more than twofold their size. Weasels have five toes on every one of their paws that are tipped with little, non-retractable hooks. In spite of the fact that these are principally utilized for clutching prey, their paws likewise help Weasels to tunnel into the ground shockingly rapidly. In spite of the fact that guys and females have comparative coat hues and markings, guys are entirely greater with a body length a quarter longer than that of the female and gauging about twofold.

Weasel Relationship with Humans 
The brutal and insatiable nature of the Weasel has prompted them getting an awful notoriety among ranchers especially who trap and slaughter them to avoid further loss of domesticated animals. They have be that as it may, been acquainted with nations where they are not normally found due to their adaptable and prevailing nature as a type of common vermin control. Alongside various local British species, Weasels are regularly found as characters in books and show up in youngsters' melodies.

Weasel Conservation Status and Life Today 
Today, the Weasel is recorded by the IUCN as a creature that is of Least Concern of getting to be terminated in its common habitat sooner rather than later. In spite of the fact that they are viewed as wide-spread however uncommon in North America, they are regular all through Europe and Asia and acquainted populaces with different nations are additionally steady. Some disconnected populaces anyway are winding up more progressively powerless.
