Sun Bear

Sun Bear Physical Characteristics
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Carnivora
Family: Ursidae
Genus: Helarctos
Scientific Name: Helarctos malayanus
Common Name: Sun Bear
Other Name(s): Malaysian Sun Bear, Malay Bear, Honey Bear, Dog Bear
Group: Mammal
Number Of Species: 2
Location: South-east Asia
Habitat: Primarily, lowland tropical forests
Colour: Black, Brown, Red, Grey, White, Yellow, Orange
Skin Type: Fur
Size (H): 1.2m - 1.5m (4ft - 5ft)
Weight: 30kg - 60kg (66lbs - 132lbs)
Top Speed: 48kph (30mph)
Diet: Omnivore
Prey: Fruits, Honey, Insects
Predators: Tiger, Snakes, Birds of Prey
Lifestyle: Diurnal/Nocturnal
Group Behaviour: Solitary
Lifespan: 15 - 30 years
Age Of Sexual Maturity: 3 - 4 years
Gestation Period: 3 - 8 months
Average Litter Size: 2
Name Of Young: Cub
Age Of Weaning: 18 months
Conservation Status: Vulnerable
Estimated Population Size: Unknown
Biggest Threat: Hunting and habitat loss
Most Distinctive Feature: Yellow or orange U-shaped marking on chest
Fun Fact: The smallest species of bear in the world

Sun Bear Classification and Evolution 
The Sun Bear is a little types of bear that is found possessing the thick, tropical woodlands of south-east Asia. The Sun Bear is the littlest types of bear on the planet and it is likewise a standout amongst the most novel, being the main individual from its family that has adjusted to living in the wilderness as well as leads a solely tree-staying life. Otherwise called the Malaysian Sun Bear and the Honey Bear, the Sun Bear has various particular highlights most quite the orange U-molded stamping on its chest from which it gets its name. Sun Bears are both uncommon and slippery creatures implying that almost no is really thought about their practices and propensities in the wild (or surely precisely how uncommon they are). Populaces be that as it may, are referred to be definitely diminishing as Sun Bears are undermined by both chasing and living space misfortune all through quite a bit of their common range.

Sun Bear Anatomy and Appearance 
The Sun Bear isn't just the littlest bear species on the planet yet it likewise has the briefest hide. The smooth, polished layer of the Sun Bear ranges from dark to dim darker or dim in shading with their unmistakable chest checking shifting from white to yellow or orange, and can take various shapes including the standard bow, a circle or a sporadic spot. The Sun Bear has a light-hued look with a short gag, which alongside their short hide and ears, is believed to be an adjustment to investing such a great amount of energy in the trees. They additionally have since quite a while ago, bended paws on their front paws which assist the creature with climbing trees and tear open empty logs looking for termites, which it is likewise ready to do with its substantial canines and solid jaw. A standout amongst the most striking highlights of the Sun Bear is its long tongue that can be up to 25cm long and is utilized to separate grubs and nectar from homes and fissure.

Sun Bear Distribution and Habitat
The Sun Bear would have once been found all through various nations in south-east Asia however because of developing Human improvement, they are presently just found in a bunch of progressively separated living spaces. Sun Bears can be found on the islands of Borneo and Sumatra, in backwoods on the terrain (Malaysia, Thailand, Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam) and there are likewise a couple of remote populaces of Sun Bears in eastern India and southern China. The Sun Bear possesses essential, swamp rainforest where there are not just a wide assortment of nourishments to eat, yet in addition a lot of cover to stay safe from predators. Be that as it may, all through quite a bit of their characteristic range (however especially in Indonesia and Malaysia) the Sun Bear has lost immense locales of its local environments to deforestation, essentially to clear land for agribusiness, (for example, palm oil estates) and to chop down the uncommon and profitable tropical trees for the timber business.

Sun Bear Behavior and Lifestyle 
The Sun Bear spends most of its life high in the trees and even rests in a home in the shade which is worked out by collapsing verdant branches over. They are in this manner unimaginably adroit at climbing which they can do with striking pace utilizing their since quite a while ago, bended paws. In any case, Sun Bears are likewise known to climb trees by really embracing the storage compartment with their front appendages and by holding with their solid teeth they can pull themselves up. Strangely, Sun Bears are basically diurnal creatures that spend the daytime scavenging for nourishment and resting high in their tree-top homes during the evening yet, in territories that are in effect progressively influenced by developing dimensions of Human action Sun Bears are known to receive an increasingly nighttime lifestyle to maintain a strategic distance from showdown. Like the other bear species, Sun Bears are likewise singular creatures that are possibly truly found in every others organization when a male and female are hoping to mate.

Sun Bear Reproduction and Life Cycles 
Similarly as various other creature species that are found in the tropics, the Sun Bear is known to both mate and conceive an offspring lasting through the year. After an incubation period that is known to change drastically (somewhere in the range of 3 and 8 months) contingent upon the individual and the measure of nourishment accessible, the female Sun Bear brings forth up to three offspring (yet normally just a single fledgling is conceived) in a home that she makes in a substantial cavity, for example, an empty tree. The youthful Sun Bear offspring are breast fed and savagely watched by their mom and are instructed the abilities of making due in the tropics until they wind up free of her when they are almost two years of age and leave to set up their very own regions. Females are normally ready to repeat themselves when they are three years of age and guys a year later. Sun Bears are thought to live for a normal of 25 years in the wild however have been known to generally be over 30 years of age in bondage.

Sun Bear Diet and Prey 
In spite of in fact being a classed as a flesh eater, most of the Sun Bears diet is involved foods grown from the ground plant matter that it finds in the encompassing woodland. Like other bear species, their molar teeth have lost their "substance shearing" abilities and are rather compliment to help with the granulating down of vegetation. Sun Bears eat a wide assortment of natural products, nuts, berries and shoots alongside enhancing their eating routine with creepy crawlies, grubs, nectar, eggs and little creatures, for example, rodents when plant matter is rare. By utilizing their solid teeth and sharp paws Sun Bears can tear open empty logs previously utilizing their long tongue to separate the termites inside. Be that as it may, when it is absurd to expect to break the home in a tree trunk, Sun Bears are known to put their front paws into the opening each one in turn, enabling the termites to creep over their paws previously the Sun Bear at that point licks them off.

Sun Bear Predators and Threats 
Because of the generally vast size and tree-staying nature of the Sun Bear, grown-ups have moderately couple of predators in their local condition. Huge flesh eating creatures like Tigers are the fundamental predators of the Sun Bear yet these creatures have developed another one of a kind adjustment to assist them with escaping in these circumstances. The Sun Bear has free skin especially around its neck which implies that is if is gotten by a predator, it can in any case turn its make a beeline for attempt and nibble its aggressor. Sun Bear whelps be that as it may, are considerably more defenseless and are gone after by an assortment of wilderness predators including Snakes and substantial Birds of Prey. The greatest risk however to south-east Asia's residual Sun Bear populaces is the uncommon decreases in quite a bit of their common living spaces because of deforestation. In regions where agrarian estates infringe on their regions, Sun Bears are likewise known to attack oil palms especially to eat the youthful shoots. They are thusly likewise oppressed by agriculturists who fear for the solidness of their yields.

Sun Bear Interesting Facts and Features 
The Sun Bear is known by various diverse names yet its little size, short nose and ears, and short, reflexive hide has driven it to being regularly known as the "Puppy Bear" in neighborhood networks. In spite of the fact that the Sun Bear is commonly single on uncommon events a couple of people are known to gather around maturing organic product trees and will endure each other while they feed. Despite the fact that Sun Bears are comparable in differing parts of their regular range, there is really a littler perceived sub-types of Sun Bear that is found on the island of Borneo however next to no is thought about it. Dissimilar to some of the other eight bear species around the globe, the Sun Bear does not sleep. Because of the way that Sun Bears are found in the tropics where there are not such clearing regular changes, they just have no compelling reason to rest through the winter months (rearing is additionally known to happen throughout the entire year for a similar reason).

Sun Bear Relationship with Humans 
Since current individuals landed in south-east Asia a great many years prior, Sun Bears have been chased chiefly for the utilization of sure of their body parts, especially their irk bladders, in neighborhood Asian drug markets (which has additionally been the principle purpose behind the uncommon decreases in about all other bear species as well). Because of their little size and by and large submissive nature, Sun Bears have additionally been caught to be sold into the extraordinary pet exchange the world over. Nonetheless, the most serious issue for the Sun Bear today is the way that it has lost immense territories of its once broad normal territory to deforestation for logging and land leeway for agribusiness (a large portion of which is illicit). As the Sun Bear spends most of its life in the trees, they depend intensely on the rich, thick rainforests that they have turned out to be acclimated as well, however quite a bit of it today has now vanished with developing Human movement.

Sun Bear Conservation Status and Life Today
Today, the Sun Bear is recorded by the IUCN as a creature that is Vulnerable in its regular habitat and is accordingly in danger from getting to be wiped out in the wild later on. The slippery idea of the Sun Bear makes it troublesome for anybody to truly realize precisely how undermined they are nevertheless populaces are thought to have fallen by up to 30% in the previous couple of decades. Sun Bear numbers are as yet declining and despite the fact that their correct populace numbers are obscure, there could be under 1,000 people left in the wild today. Albeit illicit deforestation is more enthusiastically to control, Sun Bears are secured by against poaching laws to help counteract such a significant number of being persistently chased later on.
