
Moose Physical Characteristics
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Artiodactyla
Family: Cervidae
Genus: Alces
Scientific Name: Alces Alces
Type: Mammal
Diet: Herbivore
Size: 1.8-2.1m (6-7ft)
Weight: 270-720kg (600-1,580lbs)
Top Speed: 32km/h (20mph)
Lifespan: 10-16 years
Lifestyle: Herd
Conservation Status: Least Concern
Colour: Tan, Brown, Grey
Skin Type: Hair
Favourite Food: Grass
Habitat: Forest areas close to the Arctic tundra
Average Litter Size: 1
Main Prey: Grass, Twigs, Pondweed
Predators: Human, Bear, Wolves
Special Features: Long head and large antlers on the male

Moose (otherwise called elk) are found wide open to the harshe elements fields of North America and Europe where they were named by local people as twig-eaters.

The male moose have tremendous tusks that the moose really recharges once every year. After the hotter mating season the male moose will shed its horns to ration vitality for the winter. In the springtime the moose starts to build up its new prongs which take from 3 to 5 months to completely develop.

The moose have been chased by people for the two trophies yet in addition for meat. The moose are additionally prey to various vast flesh eating well evolved creatures which they experience, for example, bears, cougars and ice wolves.

There are believed to be six distinctive subspecies of moose found in the sub-cold backwoods today. These are the European moose (found in Finland, Sweden and Norway), the Eastern moose (found in the east of Canada and upper east of the United States), the Western moose (found in the west of Canada), the Siberian moose (found in the east of Siberia and Mongolia), the Alaska moose (found in Alaska and Yukon) and the Shiras moose (found in Wyoming and Utah).

Female moose don't have prongs and will in general bring forth the child moose following a multi month incubation period. The female will in general have a solitary moose calf however twins and triplets have been known. The hide of the child moose is a ruddy shading that swings to dark colored as the moose get more seasoned. The youthful moose calves will in general remain with the mother moose until just before the following youthful are conceived.

In spite of the fact that moose are not generally forceful creatures, especially towards people, when incited, moose have been known to assault people. In spite of the fact that the outcomes of a moose assault are commonly minor, moose have been known to assault a bigger number of people than bears and wolves set up together.

Moose live in groups and live until they are around 16 years of age. Moose are herbivorous creatures and invest their energy scavenging for vegetation and branches to crunch on.
