
Mongoose Physical Characteristics 
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Carnivora
Family: Herpestidae
Scientific Name: Helogale Parvula
Type: Mammal
Diet: Omnivore
Size: 18-120cm (7-47in)
Weight: 0.3-4kg (0.7-8.8lbs)
Top Speed: 32km/h (20mph)
Lifespan: 10-15 years
Lifestyle: Gang
Conservation Status: Endangered
Colour: Tan, Brown, Grey
Skin Type: Fur
Favourite Food: Rats
Habitat: Open forests and grass plains
Average Litter Size: 4
Main Prey: Rats, Eggs, Insects
Predators: Hawks, Snakes, Jackal
Special Features: Long tail and docile temperament

The mongoose is a little rat like vertebrate, the mongoose is comparative in appearance to the meerkat and the weasel. Mongoose are normally found in Asia, Africa and parts of Europe however the mongoose has additionally been misleadingly acquainted with the Caribbean in later occasions.

The mongoose is an omnivore, implying that mongoose eat the two plants and creatures. The mongoose in Africa has grabbed the eye of people, as they have all the earmarks of being practically safe the toxic substance of a snake.

The mongoose is somewhat lighter than the weasel, implying that the mongoose can turn away risk more promptly than a weasel as a mongoose can see approaching predators without hardly lifting a finger.

There are believed to associate with 30 unique types of mongoose, some of which will battle for themselves while different types of mongoose cooperate as a group. The various types of mongoose additionally shift in size going from under 1 foot to about three foot in stature.

Numerous types of mongoose have adjusted to their specific territory as certain types of mongoose are found to live in the highest points of trees where different types of mongoose have adjusted to living halfway in the water. Various mongoose species are likewise known to have designed hide or ringed tails, this anyway isn't the situation with each specie of mongoose.

The run of the mill mongoose has a since a long time ago molded face and body, short legs and minimal round ears. Numerous mongoose people are discovered living in tunnels which the mongoose will in general burrow themselves, the mongoose notwithstanding, won't leave behind the chance to stow away in a relinquished tunnel of another little creature.

The female mongoose will in general produce just one litter of little guys a year, yet she can create another litter if for reasons unknown, the main litter is lost. The youthful mongooses are weaned at around about a month and a half old, and the infant mongooses at that point start to search with their mom until they are 4 months old. The male mongoose children will leave their mom when they are around a half year old, while the female mongoose infants will remain longer, some of the time even for all time.
