
Liger Physical Characteristics
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Carnivora
Family: Felidae
Genus: Panthera
Scientific Name: Panthera leo × Panthera tigris
Common Name: Liger
Group: Mammal
Number Of Species: 1
Location: Zoos
Habitat: Do not occur in the natural world
Colour: Tan, Black, Brown, Orange
Skin Type: Fur
Size: 2.8m - 3.6m (9ft - 12ft)
Weight: 400kg - 600kg (882lbs - 1,322lbs)
Top Speed: 80kph (50mph)
Diet: Carnivore
Prey: Deer, Wild Boar, Cattle
Predators: Human
Lifestyle: Diurnal/Nocturnal
Group Behaviour: Solitary
Lifespan: 18 - 22 years
Age Of Sexual Maturity: 3 - 4 years
Gestation Period: 100 days
Average Litter Size: 0
Name Of Young: Cub
Age Of Weaning: 6 months
Conservation Status: Not Listed
Estimated Population Size: Not known
Biggest Threat: Commercial breeding
Most Distinctive Feature: Enormous head and body size
Fun Fact: The offspring of a lion and tiger parents

Liger Classification and Evolution
The Liger is the biggest of the world's cats, known to grow up to 12ft tall when remaining on their rear legs. Made by the mating of a male Lion with a female Tiger, Ligers tend to far surpass the measure of both of their folks and in spite of the fact that they share comparable attributes with them two, the Liger will in general be more similar to a Lion as opposed to a Tiger. A Tigon is the consequence of rearing a female Lion with a male Tiger, with this creature having a tendency to be less similar to a Lion having more Tiger-like characteristics. Because of the reality however that Lions and Tigers live in various territories of the world, it is all around impossible that Ligers (or Tigons) would happen normally in nature. Today there are a bunch of Ligers found in zoos around the globe, which are a consequence of either unplanned or intentional Human intercession.

Liger Anatomy and Appearance 
The Liger is a colossal creature with an expansive strong body and wide head. Ligers will in general have sandy or dim yellow hide which is shrouded in the particular swoon stripes acquired from their mom. Albeit different varieties in hide shading have been known (counting white when their mom is a White Tiger), the Liger by and large has a more Lion-like appearance including the manes of the guys. Despite the fact that a Liger's mane isn't as large or as noteworthy as that of a grown-up Lion, they can become very huge on certain people yet it isn't phenomenal for a male Liger to have no mane by any means. Alongside their stripes which will in general be most detectable around their rump, the Liger may likewise acquire the spots found on the backs of Tiger's ears alongside the tufted hide around their jaws.

Liger Distribution and Habitat 
Truly it could have been conceivable albeit uncommon, for a male Lion to mate with a female Tiger in the wild to create Liger posterity. This is on the grounds that the Asiatic Lion once meandered over an a lot bigger segment of Asia implying that they could have all the more effectively meandered into a Tiger's domain. Today nonetheless, Tigers are just found in the thick wildernesses of Asia where they are being pushed into littler and littler pockets of their normal natural surroundings. Lions then again, are found watching the African fields except for the few staying Asiatic Lions, who are found in a remote backwoods in India where there are no Tigers. Tragically, in spite of the fact that the normal living space of the Liger would most likely be genuinely like that of a Tiger, the world's solitary realized Ligers are found in confined walled in areas.

Liger Behavior and Lifestyle
In spite of their massive size and the way that their folks are two of the planet's most brutal predators, the Liger is known to have a generally delicate and submissive nature especially while communicating with handlers. They have anyway been accounted for to be marginally confounded regarding regardless of whether they are Lions or Tigers as their most puzzling trademark is the way that they appear to adore water. In the wild, it isn't phenomenal for Tigers to enter water either to get prey or to chill off in the warmth thus they are normally great swimmers, which is something that the Liger appears to have acquired. Lions don't care for water in any case thus usually revealed that it takes some time for the Liger to take to its water adoring way of life. Another odd thing is the way that the Liger seems to make both Lion and Tiger commotions however its thunder is increasingly similar to that of a Lion's.

Liger Reproduction and Life Cycles 
Most Ligers are made through the unintentional presentation of Lions and Tigers in a similar walled in area in spite of the fact that it can take as long as a year for the two to mate. In the wake of mating the male Lion with the female Tiger, the Tiger brings forth a litter of somewhere in the range of 2 and 4 Liger offspring after a growth period that goes on for around 100 days. Likewise with the youthful of other vast cats, the Liger offspring are brought into the world visually impaired and are extraordinarily defenseless, depending intensely on their mom for their initial a half year of life. Likewise with Lion fledglings, youthful Ligers have darker spots on their hide which gives them additional disguise. In any case, likewise with some grown-up Lions, these spots frequently stay on Ligers and are most unmistakable on their underside. Numerous Liger fledglings are unfortunately brought into the world with birth deserts and regularly don't get by for longer than seven days.

Liger Diet and Prey 
Like whatever remains of the world's cats, the Liger is a meat eating creature implying that it chases and murders different creatures so as to pick up its sustenance. In spite of the fact that the wild eating regimen of the Liger must be assumed, it is believed to be like that of a Tiger essentially chasing bigger herbivores including Deer, Wild Boar and (because of their massive size) potentially little or helpless Asian Elephants. In bondage they will in general eat a normal of 20lbs of meat daily yet it is believed that a Liger would effortlessly eat up 100lbs worth of sustenance in one sitting. The Liger has a tremendous and amazingly solid jaw with sharp, pointed teeth which are perfect for tearing through tissue. Ligers likewise have solid bodies and sharp paws which additionally help them to get and eat their prey.

Liger Predators and Threats
On the off chance that they were found in the wild, the Liger would be the most prevailing predator in their condition and would in this way have no common predators to stress over, with the undeniable special case of Humans. Much like Lions and Tigers, Ligers would be exposed to both chasing for trophies and their hide, alongside serious living space misfortune all through quite a bit of what might be their regular range. In bondage, numerous Liger offspring are brought into the world with deadly birth surrenders because of the way that it is the aftereffect of cross-reproducing of two distinct species. Another issue to consider is the unnatural nature in which Ligers are both reproduced and kept all around the globe. As it is exceedingly improbable that Ligers can happen in the wild today, they are only being reared and maintained by zoos in control to profit.

Liger Interesting Facts and Features
Albeit like numerous different half breeds Ligers will in general be sterile, it has been known for a female Liger to most likely produce posterity yet a prolific male Liger has never been recorded. She will either be reproduced with a male Lion or a male Tiger to either deliver a litter of Li-Liger or Ti-Liger posterity relying upon the types of the dad. A standout amongst the most popular Ligers is a Hollywood creation named Hercules, who is the posterity of a male Lion and a female Tiger in an organization in Florida. At three years old he remained at 10ft tall when on his rear legs and gauged a large portion of a ton. Another reason with respect to why Ligers would be once in a while created in the wild is that if a male Lion and a female Tiger went over each other, they are considerably more liable to battle to shield their domain or maintain a strategic distance from each other totally so as to chance getting injured.

Liger Relationship with Humans
The Liger has been reared by individuals since the mid nineteenth century when a litter of Liger offspring was conceived in Asia in 1824. It was over 100 years anyway until the following recorded litter which was in a zoo in South Africa just before World War II. In spite of the fact that Ligers are known to be very calm, there remains a lot of debate over the cross-reproducing of two distinctive creature species, especially when it is so profoundly improbable to happen without Human mediation. Today there are various Ligers found in zoos and creature establishments around the globe, who are reared (by and large unintentionally) and kept as a cash making fascination.

Liger Conservation Status and Life Today 
As there is no genuine logical name allocated to the Liger because of the way that it is produced using cross-reproducing two separate species misleadingly, and that is it isn't found in the wild, the Liger has no preservation status. The Liger is found in just a bunch of walled in areas on the planet however they remain disliked by numerous individuals as they don't exist in the wild and consequently have no an incentive all things considered to preservation. Tigons are more seldom found than Ligers today be that as it may, in the late nineteenth and mid twentieth hundreds of years there were a greater amount of them than there were Ligers. The reproducing of Ligers is presently restricted in various nations around the globe.
