
Deer Physical Characteristics
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Artiodactyla
Family: Cervidae
Scientific Name: Odocoileus virginiana
Type: Mammal
Diet: Herbivore
Size (H): 60cm - 105cm (24in - 206in)
Weight: 10kg - 450kg (22lbs - 990lbs)
Top Speed: 70km/h (43mph)
Lifespan: 10 - 20 years
Lifestyle: Herd
Conservation Status: Threatened
Colour: Brown, Tan, White, Orange
Skin Type: Fur
Favourite Food: Acorns
Habitat: Dense forest and planted areas
Average Litter Size: 1
Main Prey: Acorns, Fruit, Grass
Predators: Wolf, Bear, Cougar
Distinctive Features: Long ears and some male species have antlers

The deer is found in the woods of Europe, Asia and North America, where most deer develop to a normal of around 1 meter tall. Deer-like animals are found in Africa, be that as it may, they are all pronghorn and not deer. Deer remain in groups of around 25 deers for every crowd, basically female deer and a prevailing male deer known as a stag. The male deer are defensive deer and will frequently battle different stags to ensure their group of female deer and to secure their pride. The male deer horns shed and regrow each year, similar to the skin on a snake. The main types of deer with exemption to this yearly horn shedding is the Chinese water deer.

There are around 40 distinct types of deer found in the forests of the Northern Hemisphere. There are about six unique types of deer found in the UK alone, be that as it may, just the red deer and the roe deer are genuinely local to the Isles. Deer are known as particular feeders and invest a large portion of their energy perusing for nourishment with the deer basically eating takes off.

Deer are exceptionally particular in what they eat and deer, along these lines, invest a lot of energy choosing the shoots, leaves, grasses, and organic products that are simple for the deer to process. People have chased deer for a great many years and chase the deer for the deer meat, drain, and skins. Today, deer are financially cultivated for their meat, as opposed to being chased, and in New Zealand alone there are more than 3,000 deer cultivates over the two islands.

Because of chasing from people and other expansive predators, and the proceeded with loss of the deer living space, the wild deer are winding up exceptionally helpless and are being pushed into littler zones of woods that are uninhabited by bigger warm blooded animals. Deer are prey to numerous wild creatures around the globe from people to wolves, tigers, bears and infrequently foxes, and numerous different warm blooded animals will endeavor to search from a deer that has been executed by something unique, seeing the same number of deer species can be very enormous and are genuinely quick.
