Arctic Wolf

Arctic Wolf Physical Characteristics
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Carnivora
Family: Canidae
Genus: Canis
Scientific Name: Canus Lupus Arcticus
Type: Mammal
Diet: Carnivore
Size (L): 60cm - 91cm (24in - 36in)
Weight: 25kg - 40kg (55lbs - 88lbs)
Top Speed: 75km/h (46mph)
Lifespan: 7 - 10 years
Lifestyle: Pack
Conservation Status: Least Concern
Colour: White, Grey
Skin Type: Fur
Favourite Food: Deer
Habitat: Grass plains and tundra forests
Average Litter Size: 4
Main Prey: Deer, Elk, Moose
Predators: Human
Special Features: Thick, warm fur and loud howling noise

The Arctic wolf is found in the most northern parts of the wolf's range, in the Arctic Circle. Arctic wolves for the most part occupy Northern Canada and Alaska, parts of Greenland and Iceland and Northern Europe. 

Arctic wolves are staggeringly flexible and versatile creatures, ready to withstand all year below zero temperatures. Living in the Arctic Circle, the Arctic wolf burns through five out of a year in all out obscurity. 

The Arctic wolf chases lemmings, arranged rodents, and Arctic bunny yet will take bigger prey like caribou when accessible. At the point when the Arctic wolf needs to chase musk bull, the pack will accumulate and fill in as a group endeavor to disconnect it from the crowd and take it. A grown-up musk bull is just too huge for one Arctic wolf to attempt and go up against alone. 

Despite the fact that the Arctic wolf is commonly littler in size than the grey wolf, Arctic wolves will in general be bulkier than grey wolves with the male Arctic wolves likewise becoming bigger than the female Arctic wolves. 

Regularly, just the alpha male Arctic wolf and female Arctic wolves breed, yet on the off chance that a pack gets too expansive it might separate into new littler packs allowing others the chance to mate. Because of the Arctic Circle's uncompromising permafrost soil and the trouble it models for burrowing nooks, Arctic wolves frequently use shake outcroppings, buckles or even shallow despondencies as caves. 

Arctic wolf little guys are conceived in litters of a few in the long periods of May and June, implying that the Arctic wolf puppies are brought into the world about a month later than the grey wolf little guys. Arctic wolves will in general be white with dark colored irises, in contrast to most different subspecies of wolves with yellow to golden eyes. White hide gives them disguise in a frigid situation, and the darker irises give added insurance to the eyes in a high glare condition.
