Water Dragon

Water Dragon Physical Characteristics 
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Reptilia
Order: Squamata
Family: Agamidae
Genus: Physignathus
Scientific Name: Physignathus
Type: Reptile
Diet: Omnivore
Size: 60-100cm (24-40in)
Weight: 0.5-1kg (1.1-2.2lbs)
Top Speed: 48km/h (30mph)
Lifespan: 10-20 years
Lifestyle: Solitary
Conservation Status: Threatened
Colour: Black, Brown, Tan, Yellow, Green
Skin Type: Scales
Favourite Food: Fish
Habitat: Creeks, rivers and lakes
Average Clutch Size: 12
Main Prey: Fish, Rodents, Insects
Predators: Snakes, Birds, Mammals
Special Features: Long tail and flattened shaped feet

The water dragon is a huge types of reptile local to the woodlands and wildernesses of Asia and Australia. Water dragon are arboreal creatures implying that they invest a large portion of their energy in the trees, frequently near an enormous waterway.

There are two distinct types of water dragon, which are the Australian water dragon and the Asian water dragon. The Australian water dragon is the littler of the two water dragon species and is found on the east shore of Australia. Australian water dragon have incredible legs and sharp paws which help them to climb trees all the more viably.

The Asian water mythical serpent is the bigger and progressively vivid of the two water winged serpent species and is found in backwoods and wildernesses all through India, China, Laos, Vietnam, Burma and Thailand. The Asian water mythical beast additionally has a third eye (known as the pineal organ), which is believed to have the option to recognize distinction in light.

In spite of the fact that water dragon are by and large tree-staying creatures, they additionally invest a lot of energy in or near the water. Water dragon are solid and proficient swimmers and regularly jump into the water from the branches high above so as to escape moving toward threat.

In the same way as other reptile species, water dragon are omnivorous creatures eating an assortment of plant and creature species. Water dragon fundamentally go after little creatures, for example, reptiles, frogs and rodents, creepy crawlies and fish which they get with there long tongue.

Because of their generally huge size, water dragon include restricted predators inside their indigenous habitat, despite the fact that this is completely reliant on where the territory which the water dragon possesses. Snakes, enormous feathered creatures and meat eating warm blooded creatures are the essential predators of the water dragon.

Water dragon rest during the cooler winters and start rearing when they develop in the spring. The female water dragon dives a tunnel in the ground where she lays up to 18 eggs, and afterward covers them. The water dragon youthful bring forth inside a couple of months and stay near the home until they become greater and progressively audacious.
