Spectacled Bear

Spectacled Bear Physical Characteristics
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Carnivora
Family: Ursidae
Genus: Tremarctos
Scientific Name: Tremarctos Ornatus
Type: Mammal
Diet: Omnivore
Size (H): 1.5m - 2m (4.9ft - 6.6ft)
Weight: 130kg - 200kg (286lbs - 440lbs)
Top Speed: 48km/h (30mph)
Lifespan: 20 - 30 years
Lifestyle: Solitary
Conservation Status: Endangered
Colour: Black,White, Grey
Skin Type: Fur
Favourite Food: Berries
Habitat: Coastal forests and deserts
Average Litter Size: 2
Main Prey: Berries, Mice, Birds
Predators: Human, Jaguar, Mountain lion
Distinctive Features: Light spectacles on face and long claws

The spectacled bear is otherwise called the Andean bear, primarily in light of the fact that the spectacled bear is local to the Andes mountain scope of South America. The spectacled bears an area ranges from northwest Argentina, into Peru, Venezuela and Brazil.

The spectacled bear by and large benefits from berries and shoots found both on ground level and in the trees. The spectacled bear likewise benefits from bugs and little well evolved creatures and reptiles, and infrequently dairy cattle.

The spectacled bear is the main enduring types of bear in South America, with the spectacled bears capacity to climb tall trees rapidly, thought to be the purpose behind this.

The spectacled bear will in general be found in the downpour woods and jungled territories of the Andes mountains, especialsly in the dryer and progressively forested zones. The spectacled bear is one of the main outstanding types of bear that effectively chases during the day. Most types of bear are nighttime and in this manner by and large chase around evening time.

The spectacled bear is believed to be non-regional however the spectacled bear seems to separate itself normally from other enormous creatures especially people. It is a result of this that the spectacled bear isn't believed to be forceful when it experiences individuals and the spectacled bear is in this manner answered to be compliant yet inquisitive when seeing people.

In the same way as other different types of bear, the spectacled bear moms have been said to assault individuals when they accetpt that their spectacled bear whelps are in peril. Despite the fact that the spectacled bear is a medium estimated hold on for the normal grown-up spectacled bear developing to around 1.5 meters tall, a bothered spectacled bear mother will utilize every last bit of her bear power and abilities to secure her young family.

The spectacled bear populace is believed to be seriously under danger and has been diminishing quickly over ongoing years. This is on the grounds that neighborhood ranchers accept that the spectacled bear slaughters diomesticated animals, the normal environment of the spectacled bear is regularly diminishing, and the nerve bladder of the spectacled bear is accepted to have restorative properties in Oriental drug so the spectacled bear is constantly under danger from International poaches just as local poachers.
