
Kudu Physical Characteristics
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Artiodactyla
Family: Bovidae
Genus: Tragelaphus
Scientific Name: Tragelaphus Strepsiceros
Type: Mammal
Diet: Herbivore
Size: 0.8-1.2m (31-47in)
Weight: 120-256kg (265-565lbs)
Top Speed: 95km/h (60mph)
Lifespan: 8-14 years
Lifestyle: Herd
Conservation Status: Least Concern
Colour: Brown, Grey, Red
Skin Type: Hair
Favourite Food: Leaves
Habitat: Shrub woodland and savanna plains
Average Litter Size: 1
Main Prey: Leaves, Herbs, Fruit, Flowers
Predators: Lions, Leopards, Wild Dogs
Special Features: Large ears and white stripes on body

The kudu is a sub-types of eland that is found occupying blended bush forest, and savanna fields in eastern and southern Africa. The kudu depends vigorously on close, thick bushes in which the kudu can escape to and stow away when it feels compromised.

There are two types of kudu in Africa which are the Lesser kudu and the Greater kudu. Both kudu species are firmly related and look fundamentally the same as in appearance however there are a couple of unmistakable ways that the lesser kudu and the more noteworthy kudu can be recognized from each other. The lesser kudu has ten white stripes which run vertically down the lesser kudu's body where the more noteworthy kudu can have anyplace somewhere in the range of 4 and 12 stripes. The more prominent kudu is additionally commonly greater than the lesser kudu

Kudus are herbivorous creatures and along these lines have a totally veggie lover diet. Kudus rummage in forest and around shrubberies of bushes snacking on leaves from the trees and hedges. Kudus additionally eat different assortments of vegetation, for example, herbs, blooms, berries and fallen organic products.

Kudus are prey to various predators, for example, lions, panthers, cheetahs, wild pooches and the incidental huge python that will chase the littler and progressively helpless kudu youthful. Kudu can run extremely quick however frequently experience considerable difficulties surpassing predators so the kudu depend on their deft capacity to jump into timberland and forest where expansive predatory predators think that its harder to pursue them. The kudu will at that point regularly stow away in forest until the predator have in the long run surrendered and left.

Kudus live in little groups of up to 24 kudu people. The kudu groups chiefly comprise of female kudus and their calves as male kudus keep an eye on lone and possibly met up with different kudus when the time has come to mate. It has been realized that gatherings of up to 8 male kudus will frame a group however this is extremely uncommon.

The kudu mating season happens toward the finish of the stormy season. The kudu growth period is around 8 months after which time the female kudu will ordinarily bring forth only one infant kudu. The child kudus will in general be conceived around February and March when the grass is grinding away's most noteworthy and there is a lot of nourishment to help the infant kudu calves to develop.

Kudus have both profited and experienced contact with people. People discover the kudu an obvious objective for chasing because of the way that kudus will in general stop and glance around after they have fled. Some neighborhood clans individuals trust the kudu to be a sacrosanct creature and along these lines ensure the kudu as opposed to murdering it. Human settlements have likewise implied that the kudu living space as changed and the kudu have needed to move to different zones. This has really done the kudu populace the lot of good as the kudu have been pushed into regions where there is a superior wellspring of water and thusly sustenance.
