
Coati Physical Characteristics 
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Carnivora
Family: Procyonidae
Genus: Nasua
Scientific Name: Nasua Nasua
Type: Mammal
Diet: Omnivore
Size: 33-60cm (13-24in)
Weight: 3-8kg (6-18lbs)
Top Speed: 24km/h (15mph)
Lifespan: 8-15 years
Lifestyle: Band
Conservation Status: Least Concern
Colour: Black, Brown, White, Grey, Red, Tan
Skin Type: Fur
Favourite Food: Fruit
Habitat: Forests, grasslands, desert
Average Litter Size: 4
Main Prey: Fruit, Nuts, Small mammals and reptiles
Predators: Wildcats, Birds of Prey, Crocodiles
Special Features: Elongated snout and long, bushy tail

The coati is a medium-sized well evolved creature just found on the American mainland. The coati is found generally disseminated crosswise over North, Central and South in various territories.

The coati is principally found in thick backwoods and wet wildernesses as the coati will spend a lot of its life in the wellbeing of the trees. Be that as it may, there are likewise coati populaces possessing prairies, mountains and even deserts over the landmass.

There are four unique types of coati, two of which, the Ring-followed Coati and the Mountain Coati, are found in South America, and the staying two coati species, the White-nosed Coati and the Cozumel Island Coati, are both found in Mexico.

The Ring-followed Coati is found in the wildernesses and rainforests of South America, where it lives both on the ground and in the trees. The Ring-followed Coati has thick, tan shaded hide and dark groups running along its tail.

The Mountain Coati is found occupying territories of the Andes Mountain extend in western South America. The Mountain Coati is likewise the littlest types of coati and is some of the time called the Dwarf Coati.

The White-nosed Coati found in parts of North America and all through Central America, including Mexico. The White-nosed Coati is the biggest types of coati with certain people developing to almost 120 cm long.

The Cozumel Island Coati is discovered uniquely on the Mexican island of Cozumel, and is thought to have been taken there by the Mayans. In spite of the conspicuous likenesses between the Cozumel Island Coati and the White-nosed Coati, the Cozumel Island Coati is viewed as a different animal varieties.

Female coatis live in gatherings of somewhere in the range of 10 and 30 people, known as a band. The male coati is a singular creature and just meets up with the females to mate.

The coati is a nighttime and omnivorous creature, implying that the coati eats the two plants and creatures during the obscurity of night. The coati eats a wide range of natural products, nuts and seeds, alongside bugs, winged animals eggs, rodents and little reptiles, for example, reptiles and snakes.

Because of the by and large little size of the coati, the coati includes various predators inside its common habitat. Panthers and jaguars, alongside other huge wildcats, are the primary predators of the coati, alongside feathered creatures of prey, snakes and crocodiles.

The coati breeds toward the beginning of the stormy season which happens at various occasions of the year, contingent upon the district, when there is a plenitude of nourishment. The female coati leaves the band of coatis and fabricates a home in the trees or on a rough edge, where she brings forth somewhere in the range of 2 and 7 coati babies after an incubation time of almost 3 months. The child coatis rejoin the band of coatis with their mom, when they are around about a month and a half old.
