Woolly Monkey

Woolly Monkey Physical Characteristics
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Primates
Family: Atelidae
Genus: Lagothrix
Scientific Name: Lagothrix Lagotricha
Type: Mammal
Diet: Omnivore
Size: 50-60cm (20-24in)
Weight: 5-8kg (11-18lbs)
Top Speed: 56km/h (35mph)
Lifespan: 7-10 years
Lifestyle: Troop
Conservation Status: Threatened
Colour: Black, Brown, Grey
Skin Type: Fur
Favourite Food: Fruit
Habitat: Humid and mature tropical forests
Average Litter Size: 1
Main Prey: Fruit, Seeds, Insects
Predators: Human, Wildcats, Birds of Prey
Special Features: Rounded head and strong prehensile tail

The wooly monkey is a medium to enormous estimated primate, that possesses the tropical woods of north-west South America. The wooly monkey is most notable for its round-molded head and thick hide that covers the body of the wooly monkey.

Wooly monkeys are found all through Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Brazil and parts of Venezuela where they carry on with an arboreal way of life. Wooly monkeys have long and extremely solid prehensile tails which enable them to adjust and hold onto branches without surrendering the utilization of their hands.

There are four distinct types of wooly monkey found in the South American wildernesses today. These are the darker wooly monkey (otherwise called the basic wooly monkey), the dim wooly monkey, the Columbian wooly monkey and the gleaming wooly monkey. Each of the four of the distinctive wooly monkey species are found in similar areas of South America.

The wooly monkey gets its name from its delicate and thick, twisted hide which reaches from dark colored to dark to dim, contingent upon the types of wooly monkey. Wooly monkeys have generally stocky bodies, with incredible shoulders and hips.

In the same way as other primate species, wooly monkeys live respectively in genuinely enormous gatherings known as troops. The wooly monkey troops contain both male wooly monkeys and female wooly monkeys. The wooly monkey troop is additionally known to part up into littler gatherings when the time has come to rummage for sustenance.

The wooly monkey is an omnivorous creature, implying that it benefits from the two plants and different creatures. Organic product is the essential wellspring of sustenance for wooly monkeys, however they will likewise eat nuts, seeds, leaves, blossoms, nectar, bugs and even little rodents and reptiles.

Because of their generally enormous size, wooly monkeys include couple of normal predators inside their wilderness condition. Enormous feathered creatures of prey, for example, hawks, are the principle predators of the youthful wooly monkeys, and wildcats, for example, ocelot and panthers are the primary predators of the grown-up wooly monkeys. The human is likewise one of the principle predators of the wooly monkey as they are chased for their meat and hide.

The alpha male wooly monkey will mate with the females in his troop. After an incubation time of somewhere in the range of 7 and 8 months, the child wooly monkey is conceived. Wooly monkeys keep an eye on just have one child at any given moment despite the fact that twins have been known to happen. The child wooly monkey sticks to its mom's underside, before ascending onto her back when it is around seven days old. The child wooly monkey is free and never again needs it's mom when it is around a half year old.

Because of deforestation and along these lines living space misfortune, the wooly monkey populace numbers are radically diminishing, with the wooly monkey presently viewed as a creature species that is helpless against eradication.
