Woolly Mammoth

Woolly Mammoth Physical Characteristics
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Proboscidea
Family: Elephantidae
Genus: Mammuthus
Scientific Name: Mammuthus Primigenius
Type: Mammal
Diet: Herbivore
Size (H): 1.8m - 4m (6ft - 13ft)
Weight: 8000kg (8.8tons)
Lifespan: 60 - 80 years
Lifestyle: Herd
Conservation Status: Extinct
Extinct: 1,700 BC
Colour: Brown, Black, Tan
Skin Type: Hair
Favourite Food: Grasses
Habitat: Arctic Tundra
Average Litter Size: 1
Main Prey: Grasses, Twigs, Rushes
Predators: Sabre-toothed cats and humans
Distinctive Features: Long, thick hair and enormous tusks

The wooly mammoth was a gigantic warm blooded animal that once wandered the tremendous solidified, northern scenes in substantial size. Accepted to be firmly identified with the advanced elephant, the wooly mammoth stayed in the wild until approximately 1700 BC when it wound up terminated.

The wooly mammoth was found wandering the unpleasant Arctic tundra where they would frequently accumulate in expansive crowds for both warmth and security. Wooly mammoths lived in two gatherings which are thought to have been sufficiently diverse to be portrayed as isolated subspecies. One wooly mammoth gathering remained amidst the high Arctic, while the other wooly mammoth gathering had an a lot more extensive territory.

The wooly mammoth was a tremendous creature, with grown-ups regularly achieving statures of four meters or more. Wooly mammoths in specific territories were by and large, somewhat littler in size and could in reality be simply a large portion of the extent of one of the biggest wooly mammoth people.

As elephants do today, the wooly mammoth had tremendous tusks which would have been utilized for both burrowing and gathering sustenance, and for scary and warding off the two predators and adversaries. The tusks of the wooly mammoth were frequently significantly bended and could undoubtedly be up to 5 meters (16ft) long.

Like the African and Asian elephants still discovered wandering the little pieces of the planet today, the wooly mammoth was a herbivorous creature implying that it made due on an absolutely plant-based eating routine. Wooly mammoths would have eaten comparable vegetation to current elephants, perusing the backwoods for leaves, organic products, nuts, twigs and berries.

Because of the sheer size of the wooly mammoth, it had just a single genuine predator in its common habitat which was saber-toothed felines that would frequently chase the littler wooly mammoth calves. Other than human seekers that immediately cleared out the wooly mammoth populaces in immense regions of the Arctic tundra, the quickly dissolving ice enormously affected their end.

Albeit little is truly thought about the multiplication of wooly mammoths, all things considered, comparably to elephants, the female wooly mammoth would have brought forth a solitary wooly mammoth calf following an almost year long (perhaps considerably more) incubation period. Wooly mammoths are thought to have had a significant long life expectancy, getting to a normal of 70 years of age.

It was commonly accepted that the last wooly mammoths disappeared from Europe and Southern Siberia in around 8,000 BC, with the remainder of the segregated wooly mammoth populaces evaporating from Wrangel Island, situated in the Arctic Ocean in around 1700 BC.
