Sabre-Toothed Tiger

Sabre-Toothed Tiger Physical Characteristics
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Carnivora
Family: Felidae
Genus: Smilodon
Scientific Name: Smilodon populator
Type: Mammal
Diet: Carnivore
Size (L): 2m - 2.5m (79in - 98in)
Weight: 300kg (661lbs)
Lifespan: 20 - 40 years
Lifestyle: Pack
Conservation Status: Extinct
Extinct: 10,000 BC
Colour: Tan, Brown, Yellow, Black, White
Skin Type: Fur
Favourite Food: Deer
Habitat: Forests and grasslands
Average Litter Size: 3
Main Prey: Deer, Bison, Woolly Mammoth
Predators: Humans
Distinctive Features: Large muscular body and long canine teeth

The saber-toothed tiger is one of the most notable ancient creatures alongside monsters, for example, the wooly mammoth. Saber-toothed tigers wandered the mid-western US and parts of both North and South America and were named for the tremendous canines which skeletons appear, projected very out of sight their mouths. It ended up wiped out in the Quaternary time frame (the finish of the dinosaur time frame) and during the ice age.

In spite of its name, the saber-toothed tiger was not really identified with the advanced tigers that are found all through the wildernesses of Asia. It is imagined that the saber-toothed tiger would have meandered over the meadow fields and open forests all through both North and South America where people would have differed somewhat relying upon the region which they occupied.

The saber-toothed tiger is a standout amongst other known ice-age creatures however little is truly referred to about them as they are suspected to have turned out to be wiped out around 10,000BC which is quite a while back. The saber-toothed tiger was named for the canines that could develop to in excess of 7 crawls long and were able to do lethally injuring their prey with one chomp.

Unfortunately, the shade of the saber-tooth tiger is obscure however it is believed that is would have been of a comparable colouration to the advanced lion found in Africa (and which it isn't firmly identified with). The saber-toothed tiger likewise had a ground-breaking, solid body which implied that it could rapidly catch and jump on its prey before utilizing its blade like teeth to cause the lethal blow.

Similarly as current cats, the saber-toothed tiger was a meat eating creature and would of been the most prevailing predator inside its condition. Huge herbivorous creatures, for example, deer and buffalo would have been the most well-known prey of the saber-toothed tiger alongside intermittent monster, for example, a little wooly mammoth should their reaches cross, in spite of the fact that their careful eating regimen is obscure.

The saber-toothed cat would have been the most savage and in this way the pinnacle predator inside its condition so had no normal predators on the American fields. People are believed to be the doubtlessly reason for the end of this colossal feline and in excess of 2,000 saber-toothed tiger skeletons have been found developed in the tar pits near Los Angeles.

Likewise with present day cats, the saber-toothed tiger would have reared in the hotter long periods of late-winter, when after a growth period that could keep going up to 8 months, the female saber-toothed tiger would bring forth a normal of 3 fledglings for each litter. Nothing is thought about saber-toothed tiger offspring however they could be brought into the world visually impaired like the fledglings of the present cats.

The saber-toothed tiger is thought to have turned out to be wiped out over 12,000 years prior when human pioneers originally landed in the Americas, chasing this species to eradication. Despite the fact that environmental change could likewise be the essential driver of their end, close to nothing anyway is truly known.
