Komodo Dragon

Komodo Dragon Physical Characteristics
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Reptilia
Order: Squamata
Family: Varanidae
Genus: Varanus
Scientific Name: Varanus komodoensis
Common Name: Komodo Dragon
Other Name(s): Komodo Monitor
Group: Reptile
Number Of Species: 1
Location: Komodo National Park
Habitat: Open woodland and hillsides
Colour: Grey, Brown, Cream, Grey
Skin Type: Scales
Size (L): 2m - 3.1m (6.6ft - 10.3ft)
Weight: 70kg - 150kg (150lbs - 300lbs)
Top Speed: 18kph (11mph)
Diet: Carnivore
Prey: Pigs, Deer, Water Buffalo
Predators: Humans
Lifestyle: Diurnal
Group Behaviour: Solitary
Lifespan: 25 - 40 years
Age Of Sexual Maturity: 5 years
Incubation Period: 8 -9 months
Average Litter Size: 20
Name Of Young: Pup
Age Of Independence: On hatching
Conservation Status: Vulnerable
Estimated Population Size: 3,000 - 5,000
Biggest Threat: Hunting and habitat loss
Most Distinctive Feature: Long and deep forked tongue to taste the air
Fun Fact: Only found on five Indonesian islands

Komodo Dragon Classification and Evolution 
The Komodo Dragon is an enormous types of reptile that is just found on a bunch of islands in the Indonesian archipelago. Not known to the world until the First World War, the Komodo Dragon is really a types of Monitor Lizard that has been developing in island separation for a long time, which has prompted it ending up huge in fact. The Komodo Dragon isn't just the biggest reptile on the planet, however it likewise a standout amongst the most forceful and is powerful to the point that it can take prey commonly its own size. In any case, Komodo Dragons are likewise in serious threat in their common habitats as chasing and natural surroundings misfortune, alongside a deficiency of prey, has prompted populace decays on the couple of islands where they are found in the Komodo National Park, implying that they are currently recorded on the IUCN's Red List and in this manner have some lawful security.

Komodo Dragon Anatomy and Appearance 
The Komodo Dragon is a huge reptile that can grow up to three meters in length and weigh 150kg. They are fantastically solid and amazing with long, thick bodies, short, strong legs and an all-powerful tail that is utilized for both battling and for propping the creature up when it is remaining on its rear legs. The Komodo Dragon has long and sharp, bended paws that are frequently utilized for burrowing and its grayish dark colored skin is canvassed in little scales and creases around the neck. Komodo Dragons have generally little heads contrasted with their huge body estimate and wide, ground-breaking jaws that cover a mouth that is loaded up with savage microbes. In spite of the fact that the Komodo Dragon has great visual perception, most of its surroundings are detected to smell which the Komodo Dragon does with its long and profoundly forked extreme. By flicking its tongue out of its mouth, the Komodo Dragon can "taste" aroma particles noticeable all around to find both live and dead prey up to 8km away.

Komodo Dragon Distribution and Habitat 
In spite of the fact that the Komodo Dragon would have once been far reaching crosswise over numerous Indonesian islands, they are today kept to only five which all lie in the Komodo National Park. The islands of Komodo, Rintja, Gillimontang, Padar and the western tip of Flores are the final homes for these tremendous creatures that are most generally found in open forests alongside dry savannah and on inadequate slopes, and can likewise be found occupying evaporated waterway beds. It is believed that Komodo Dragons developed to be so enthusiastic about these islands because of the nearness of various enormous mammalian species that have since become terminated. Today be that as it may, they are ending up progressively compromised in their common habitats with the loss of their living spaces to deforestation for timber has pushed the final populaces into littler and increasingly segregated districts.

Komodo Dragon Behavior and Lifestyle 
The Komodo Dragon is a singular and incredible predator that meanders a domain which is reliant on the person's size, with the normal grown-up covering a separation of around 2km consistently. They are additionally known to be astounding swimmers, making a trip starting with one island then onto the next over a generally long separation. Despite the fact that they are lone creatures, various Komodo Dragons will frequently assemble around a solitary execute with littler people regularly offering path to the bigger ones. So as to catch such enormous creatures, Komodo Dragons can sit for quite a long time covered up in the vegetation and are all around disguised by their dim dark colored skin as they sit trusting that a prey creature will cruise by. The Komodo Dragon at that point ambushes its unfortunate casualty with mind blowing rate and power. Despite the fact that most of beginning assaults are fruitful, on the off chance that the creature by one way or another figures out how to get away, at that point the microscopic organisms moved from the Komodo Dragon's mouth in the chomp would, makes the tissue become septic and kills the prey inside 24 hours.

Komodo Dragon Reproduction and Life Cycles 
Other than when benefiting from a huge remains, Komodo Dragons can likewise be found in the organization of each other during the rearing season when, in September, adjacent guys battle each other by remaining on their rear legs and propped up by their tails, attempt to win the privilege to breed with the nearby females. In the wake of mating, the female Komodo Dragon lays up to 25 rough eggs in a gap that she delves into the delicate sand. The youthful bring forth after a brooding period that goes on for somewhere in the range of 8 and 9 months and are strikingly set apart with cream groups (which they lose as they get more seasoned), and are totally free from when they leave their shell. Be that as it may, until they develop to a bigger size, youthful Komodo Dragons will wander up into the trees where they will invest the vast majority of their energy until they are huge enough to take care of themselves on the ground. Komodo Dragons will in general live for a normal of 30 years in nature.

Komodo Dragon Diet and Prey 
The Komodo Dragon is a rapacious creature that solitary chases and executes huge creatures so as to make due in its common environment. Grown-up Komodo Dragons can murder prey a lot bigger than themselves as regardless of whether they are not effective at executing it on snare, they will at that point tail it for miles until it in the end kicks the bucket of the blood-harming brought about by the dangerous microbes in the Komodo Dragon's mouth. Huge vertebrates make up the greater part of the Komodo Dragon's eating regimen including Pigs, Goats, Deer and even Horses and Water Buffalo (all of which have been acquainted with the islands by individuals). Youthful Komodo Dragons be that as it may, go after littler creatures in the trees, for example, Snakes, Lizards and Birds. The teeth of the Komodo Dragon are sharp and serrated however they imply that this creature can't bite. Rather they remove bits the remains and toss it in reverse into their mouths, ready to gulp down it helped by their adaptable neck muscles.

Komodo Dragon Predators and Threats 
Because of the way that the Komodo Dragon is the most prevailing predator in its condition, develop grown-ups have no normal predators in their local territories. The littler and progressively defenseless youthful be that as it may, appear to have adjusted to spending their underlying days in the trees to abstain from being eaten by bigger Komodo Dragons. Since the landing of individuals on these islands however, things have changed drastically with Humans having chased the Komodo Dragons and infringing on their local territories with their developing settlements and backwoods leeway for both timber and agribusiness. Komodo Dragons are likewise undermined by volcanic movement on these topographically dynamic islands which can cause decreases in their prey species, thusly influencing the nearby Komodo Dragon populaces.

Komodo Dragon Interesting Facts and Features 
The Komodo Dragon is known to have fifty distinct kinds of harmful microorganisms in their spit that flourish with hints of tissue, causing nibble wounds to turn out to be immediately contaminated. Ongoing examination be that as it may, shows that the genuine explanation behind such a high achievement rate in harming its prey could be down to the way that the Komodo Dragon may have a venom organ in its mouth. In spite of the fact that Komodo Dragons have flourished in this piece of the Indonesian archipelago for many years, they were not known to the world until around a century back when reports rolled in from a pilot that swam to Komodo Island after his plane went down. The gigantic size of the Komodo Dragon is thought to originate from the way that they would have once chased enormous vertebrates that would have then existed in Indonesia, including a types of Pygmy Elephant which is thought to have presently been wiped out for a huge number of years. This implies the fundamental prey of the Komodo Dragon today, has all been acquainted with the islands by Human pilgrims.

Komodo Dragon Relationship with Humans 
Since their disclosure on the islands in the Komodo National Park around 100 years prior, Komodo Dragons have both intrigued and absolutely panicked individuals as we find out increasingly more about them. Living space misfortune on the islands has not just implied that Komodo Dragons are being pushed into progressively segregated areas, however they are likewise being carried into nearer contact with Human movement and are known to slaughter animals now and again. In spite of their apparently moderate and easygoing nature, Komodo Dragons can keep running at paces of up to 11mph in short blasts and are really one of the world's known "man-eaters". Individuals have not exclusively been trapped, chomped and after that followed by Komodo Dragons in the wild however they have additionally been known to assault Humans when they are kept in hostage situations and either escape or are permitted to get excessively close.

Komodo Dragon Conservation Status & Life Today 
Today, the Komodo Dragon is recorded by the IUCN as an animal types that is Vulnerable in its common habitat and accordingly possibly faces elimination sooner rather than later. Albeit once far reaching on various Indonesian islands that they are presently restricted to only a couple with somewhere in the range of 3,000 and 5,000 people thought to be left meandering the rich, volcanic backwoods. Expanding enthusiasm for them from the traveler business however has implied that nearby individuals have more motivation to attempt to secure them and the bunch of territories where regardless they endure.
