Common Buzzard

Common Buzzard Physical Characteristics
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Aves
Order: Accipitriformes
Family: Accipitridae
Genus: Buteo
Scientific Name: Buteo Buteo
Type: Bird
Diet: Carnivore
Size (L): 51cm - 57cm (20in - 22in)
Wingspan: 110cm - 130cm (48in - 60in)
Weight: 400g - 1400g (15oz - 48oz)
Top Speed: 40km/h (25mph)
Lifespan: 12 - 20 years
Lifestyle: Solitary
Conservation Status: Least Concern
Colour: White, Black, Grey, Brown
Skin Type: Feathers
Favourite Food: Rabbit
Habitat: Countryside and woodland
Average Clutch Size: 3
Main Prey: Rabbit. Pheasant, Lizards
Predators: Fox, Eagle, Wildcats
Distinctive Features: Small head and curved beak

The Common Buzzard is a medium estimated raptor, most generally found all through Europe and Russia. In spite of fast decreases in the UK's Common Buzzard populace numbers several hundred years back, the Common Buzzard is currently the most well-known winged creature of prey in Britain.

The Common Buzzard is found all through Europe and Russia and furthermore in parts of Asia and Northern Africa, where the Common Buzzard spends the cooler winter months. The Common Buzzard is found in an assortment of natural surroundings especially forest, moorland, scour, field, arable, swamp marsh, towns and even in towns and urban communities.

Like other medium to enormous estimated feathered creatures of prey, the Common Buzzard is a by and large singular creature, chasing and bolstering alone. Be that as it may, it isn't unprecedented to see little gatherings of Common Buzzard flying together while relocating, with upwards of 30 Common Buzzard being spotted without a moment's delay.

The Common Buzzard is very huge with expansive, adjusted wings, and a short neck and tail and when coasting or taking off it will frequently hold its wings in a 'V' shape. Common Buzzard are variable in shading from dim darker to tan, albeit all have dim wingtips and a finely banned tail. The call of the Common Buzzard looks like a mewing sound and can without much of a stretch be confused with a feline.

The Common Buzzard is a huge and astute predator, getting by on a simply rapacious eating regimen. The Common Buzzard essentially preys on little vertebrates, (for example, rodents) and winged creatures, alongside an assortment of different creatures including creepy crawlies, worms, snakes and flesh.

Because of the way that the Common Buzzard is a quick and successful flyer, the Common Buzzard has couple of predators in the skies other than bigger flying creatures of prey, for example, birds. Ashore in any case, the Common Buzzard is gone after by various ground-abiding predators including wildcats and foxes.

Common Buzzard sets are known to mate forever and make their home in copious living spaces, for example, on the edges of backwoods or forest. The female Common Buzzard lays 2 to 4 eggs which bring forth subsequent to being brooded by her for around multi month. The Common Buzzard chicks leave the home (fledge) when they are around 45 days old, subsequent to being thought about by their folks (for the most part the mother).

In spite of once being almost cleared out in the United Kingdom, today Common Buzzard populaces are presently flourishing here as well as crosswise over Europe, with the Common Buzzard being Europe's second most basic raptor behind the basic kestrel.
