
Alligator Physical Characteristics
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Reptilia
Order: Crocodilia
Family: Alligatoridae
Genus: Alligator
Scientific Name: Alligator mississippiensis
Common Name: Alligator
Other Name(s): Gator
Group: Reptile
Number Of Species: 2
Location: southern USA and China
Habitat: Marsh and swampland
Colour: Green, Grey, Black, Brown, Yellow
Skin Type: Scales
Size (L): 2.5cm - 4.5m (8ft - 15ft)
Weight: 181kg - 363kg (400lbs - 800lbs)
Top Speed: 24kph (15mph)
Diet: Carnivore
Prey: Fish, Snakes, Turtles
Predators: Human, Birds, Raccoon
Lifestyle: Diurnal/Nocturnal
Group Behaviour: Solitary
Water Type: Fresh, Brackish
Lifespan: 30 - 60 years
Age Of Sexual Maturity: 10 - 12 years
Incubation Period: 2 months
Average Clutch Size: 35
Name Of Young: Hatchling
Age Of Independence: 1- 2 years
Conservation Status: Least Concern
Estimated Population Size: 1 million/less than 100
Biggest Threat: Water pollution
Most Distinctive Feature: Muscular tail half the total body length
Fun Fact: They have two sets of eyelids

Alligator Classification and Evolution 
Gators are in indistinguishable family from other huge reptiles like Crocodiles however are local to just two nations, which are the southern USA and China (where the Alligator is presently about wiped out). Gators will in general be littler than their Crocodile cousins yet have been known to move at rates of up to 15mph ashore making them one of the quickest huge reptiles on the planet. Regardless of their size, there are various particular contrasts among Alligators and Crocodiles as an Alligator's nose is shorter than that of a Crocodile, and with their mouths shut, an Alligator's teeth can't be seen yet a Crocodile's can. Crocodiles are additionally ordinarily known as Gators in their local, southern North American environments. 

Alligator Anatomy and Appearance 
Crocs are substantial reptiles, with guys growing up to 4.5 meters long. The female Alligator will in general be marginally littler, with an all out body and tail length of somewhere in the range of 3 and 3.5 meters. The Chinese Alligator is an a lot littler animal groups, practically a large portion of the measure of a female American Alligator. Gators have a protective layer plated body that changes in shading from yellow, to green, to darker, at long last turning totally dark in seniority. The tail of the Alligator is unbelievably strong and is utilized to drive the creature when it is in the water. Crocs have short, stocky legs with webbing between their toes. This causes them when they are swimming as well as implies that they can arrange the sloppy stream manages an account with simplicity. 

Alligator Distribution and Habitat 
The American Alligators are found in the south-eastern USA, all through all of Florida and Louisiana, the southern pieces of Georgia, Alabama and Mississippi, seaside South and North Carolina, eastern Texas, the south-eastern corner of Oklahoma and the southern tip of Arkansas. Most of American Alligators occupy Florida and Louisiana, with over a million crocodiles thought to be found between the two states. The American Alligators live in freshwater conditions, for example, lakes, bogs, wetlands, streams, lakes, and bogs, just as saline situations. Southern Florida is the main spot on the planet where the two Alligators and Crocodiles are known to live in a similar spot. 

Alligator Behavior and Lifestyle 
The Alligator is a single predator that is very awkward while moving about ashore. They will in general be very moderate, moving themselves by either slithering or sliding along the dangerous puts money on their guts. They are very regional creatures that are known to influence an assortment of commotions to speak to various things, including the announcement of region, finding a mate and the youthful cautioning their mom that they are in threat. Male Alligators be that as it may, don't seem to have such an unmistakable voice box and make next to no clamor outside of the reproducing season, when they are known to snarl and howl to fight off contending guys. 

Alligator Reproduction and Life Cycles 
Gators will in general breed amid the spring when they meet up in expansive gatherings to locate an appropriate accomplice. The female builds a home out of mud, leaves and twigs on the ground where she lays up to 50 eggs. The hatchlings develop following a multi month brooding period which is finished by the decaying vegetation in the home. Females don't brood their eggs as they would break them yet at the same time protect their home from hungry predators. The child Alligators are somewhere in the range of 15 and 20 long when they bring forth and are defenseless against predation from various species. They as a rule stay with their mom for the initial 2 years. Gators will in general live to around 50 years of age or so yet some have been known to inhabit least an additional 20 years when in bondage. 

Alligator Diet and Prey 
The Alligator is commonly a lone predator, yet littler and more youthful Alligator people in any case, are known to remain together in gatherings particularly when chasing. The Alligator eats fish, little well evolved creatures and winged animals, however the Alligator has additionally been known to assault a lot bigger creatures. Grown-up crocodiles have been known to chase Deer and are notable to slaughter and eat littler Alligators. At times, bigger crocodiles have been known to chase the Florida Panther and Black Bears, making the gator the predominant predator all through the their condition. Assaults on pets and even individuals are likewise not obscure. 

Alligator Predators and Threats 
The Alligator is a pinnacle predator in its condition, known to try and chase creatures that are a lot bigger in size. People are the main predator of grown-up Alligators as they were chased nearly to elimination for their meat, and for their one of a kind skin which was utilized in the assembling of an assortment of items. The littler, child Alligators be that as it may, are prey to various species including Raccoons, Birds, Bobcats and even different Alligators. Regardless of being shielded from chasing in quite a bit of its North American range today, Alligators are undermined by loss of their regular living spaces and large amounts of contamination in the water. 

Alligator Interesting Facts and Features 
Croc DNA is thought to go back to even before Dinosaur times implying that the Alligators endure whatever it was that the dinosaurs didn't, with the logical gauges first dating the species 150 million years prior. The Chinese Alligator is at present discovered just in the Yangtze River Valley and the Chinese Alligator is currently amazingly imperiled with under 100 Chinese Alligators accepted to be left in nature. There are really a lot progressively Chinese Alligators that live in zoos around the globe than can be found in the wild today. Gators are known to have up to 80 teeth which are consummately molded for chomping down on prey. They are even ready to regrow those teeth that are lost. 

Alligator Relationship with Humans 
In contrast to huge Crocodiles, Alligators don't promptly see a Human upon experience as prey, yet the Alligator may even now assault in self-preservation whenever incited. Gator assaults are unprecedented yet Alligators have unquestionably been known to assault Humans if the Human is in the Alligator's region and especially if the creature feels compromised. They are anyway known to generally go after residential creatures including pets and in some cases animals when they are near Human settlements. Chasing towards the finish of the only remaining century totally wrecked the whole American Alligator populace (and has basically done as such to the Chinese Alligator). Luckily the gravity of the circumstance in the USA was acknowledged before it was past the point of no return, with the security of the species having prompted an expansion in populace numbers now. 

Alligator Conservation Status and Life Today 
The American Alligator was before an Endangered species however because of living space security and government laws ensuring them, populaces all through Florida and Louisiana have recouped actually well, with over a million Alligators thought to exist in the USA today. They are yet at this point undermined by natural surroundings corruption, primarily as deforestation and contamination in the water. The tale of the Chinese Alligator anyway is altogether different, with under 100 people thought to be left in the Yangtze River Valley, this species is Critically Endangered in the wild and is tragically very nearly annihilation.
